This course aims to accomplish the following things:
- to examine how film language creates an interaction between filmmaker
and spectator;
- to analyze how categories of race, class, gender, sexuality, and other
factors have been ideologically constructed through avenues such as
commercial film;
- to develop a vocabulary for how film creates a "politics of the
gaze"-that is, focusing on the issues of whose view or story is
authorized or not, and on what grounds;
- to examine how all of the aforementioned factors work together in
narrative and popular film;
- to introduce the student to several theoretical approaches in film
- to address, at very pragmatic levels, various ways in which to teach
film theory in relation to a critical analysis of film form;
- to integrate the effective and appropriate use of technology in relation
to teaching film theory;
- to enable the students practice exercises in preparing lesson plans,
evaluation instruments, powerpoint lectures and various interactive
exercises to prepare them for teaching the material within the year
(Note: Numbers 1 - 5 form the theoretical backbone of HUM 3321, the
undergraduate course the TAs are being trained to teach; numbers 6-8
specifically are geared towards pedagogical issues, as well as effectively
integrating the use of appropriate technology with teaching the material)
Texts [top]
Jason Grant McKahan, Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart, Gregory J. Thompson and
Kathryn Field, Multicultural Dimensions of Film: A Reader. 7th Ed. NY:
McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN: 0-07-251446-9
(Student and Teacher Edition powerpoints are available
passwords to be
provided in class.)
The website, http://english3.fsu.edu/~kpicart/humfilm
is a purely virtual version of HUM 3321, a companion to the text, and
provides a backbone of lectures that will enhance the understanding of
how the materials flow together. {The main result of the Council for Instruction
Grant in 2001)
Arrangements [top]
I have reserved Williams 204 for your possible viewing of films after
every class during summer C. However, you are not required to stay. You
may, if you prefer, view the materials in your own time by borrowing the
films from elsewhere. But you should have viewed the materials when we
are scheduled to talk about them in class; your participation and attendance
will take note of whether or not you have viewed the films. The Humanities
Library and possibly Strozier Library have copies of all of the materials
required for this course (though only HUM would probably have the optional
materials). Leon Public Library is an extra possible source for borrowing
videos. Obtain library cards early and place reserves on any titles that
you think you will want to borrow. In order to get a library card, the
applicant must show some form of identification with their current Leon
County address. If the students have any questions about what form of
ID is acceptable, they should call the library at 487-2665 and ask to
speak to the Circulation Department for clarification of that issue. I
strongly encourage all of you to watch and take notes on as many of the
films as you can prior to the onset of the seminar, because you will have
a lot to do, on top of watching films by then. Those who sign up for reports
on certain films should watch these films ahead of time so that they can
prepare their reports early; if you have already watched a film assigned
for in-class viewing during the seminar, you may leave during the viewing
session. You are responsible for whatever you choose to miss.
Honor Code [top]
The Florida State University General Bulletin contains an Honor Code that
is repeated verbatim in the Student Handbook. You are responsible for
knowing and conforming to it; in addition to the information listed in
the Handbook, you are also cautioned that:
- If you take material that is not yours, from any source (inclusive
of websites), and copy it into anything you submit, you are obligated
to provide a footnote, endnote or parenthetical reference and works
cited list at the end of the paper.
- Material that is lifted verbatim from other texts must be placed in
quotation marks or, in the case of anything longer than three sentences,
blocked quotes, indicating its source, as in item # 1 above.
- Material that is paraphrased must also be documented as in item #
- Persons who violate the Honor Code and any of the items above in any
requirement, whether minor or major, will receive an "F" for
the course.
Statement [top]
Students with documented disabilities needing academic accommodations
should, in the first week of class: 1.) register with and provide documentation
to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) and 2.) bring an authorized
letter from SDRC to the professor, indicating the need for academic accommodations,
if necessary. This and all other class materials are available in alternative
format, upon request. I will do everything I can to ensure fairness to
everyone in class.
Requirements [top]
Course Requirements (for the Three Credit Seminar):
- Powerpoint lectures and SE powerpoints (40%)
- Attendance and Participation, inclusive of watching films (25%)
- Threaded Conversations (35%)
- Bonus Points for Optional Films (+2 max for the final mark; note that
it is only a 3 point difference that separates one grade level from
the next)
Course Requirements (for the One Credit Technology Training): (Pass or
- Attendance (50%)-more than two excused absences leads to an "F";
each late entry (I call your name and you are not in your seats) is
half an unexcused absence, so more than 4 latenesses becomes an "F."
- Participation (50%)-evidence of using the time in the laboratory towards
completion of the requirements in the seminar section is all you need
to pass.
Description [top]
This course will employ principally a discussion and seminar format, and
will integrate the effective use of technology (e.g., Blackboard, powerpoint,
videos, when relevant). As you are taking this course, you will be undergoing
the one credit training in the use of Blackboard and Powerpoint, which
are prerequisites for this course; you should also stay on top of the
assigned required films. The essentials, other than registering (which
should be generated automatically, if your paperwork is in place for this
course), entail learning how to use threaded conversations (Under "Communication-Discussion
Board" and "Communication-Small Groups-Discussion Board");
checking for "External Link" powerpoint posts and "Announcements,"
and checking posted grades (Under "Student Tools--Check Your Grade").
There are other additional features you may use, such as the e-mail feature
under "Communication." There are more powerful features of Blackboard,
but I'll aim to use the very basics, effectively integrated into pedagogy
training; there is no need to use all the proverbial bells and whistles
in order to use technology effectively.
I also urge you to read the "Handbook" and the "Lectures"
in the companion website: http://english3.fsu.edu/~kpicart/humfilm. Password
protected teacher and student edition powerpoint lectures are also on
the same website. Note that these files may at times be quite large, and
so it is probably best to download them on appropriate computers on campus,
such as those on the Strozier Library basement. Or if you want to use
a home modem, be prepared to leave it alone for say a couple of hours
before you check back. You may want to download while you get some sleep
and check on it in the morning.
Ultimately, the course is largely discussion-oriented, and students play
an active role in ensuring the success of the course. Students are required
to come in, having read the assigned texts for the day, in order to present
and defend their interpretations of the texts, as well as critique those
of others and pose clarificatory questions. In-class oral participation
and attendance will also comprise 25% of the total mark. Note that given
that we are meeting only for six weeks, only two unexcused absences are
allowed; having more than two absences is sufficient reason for an "F."
Note also that skills of reading, listening, and speaking, which all rest
upon prior preparation, form an integral component of the course. Extended
discussions via Blackboard threaded conversations during the periods in
between sessions, will be used to help set up and continue generating
class momentum. These threaded e-mail conversations will comprise 35%
of the total mark, and will be monitored and evaluated by the professor.
The threaded conversation exercise integrates writing with skills of argumentation
and discussion. Students are required to log in once a week, anytime between
Friday morning (after this seminar) and Sunday midnight prior to the next
class, to carry on these electronically mediated conversations. THERE
The initial sessions will be handled principally by the professor. At
other times, the duty of giving a brief summary and critique of some of
the assigned texts for the day, and of generating discussion, will be
rotated among the students in pairs or singly. This is designed to enable
students to be more actively involved in class discussions, and to give
them a trial run for actually teaching the material in class in preparation
for their duties in the coming year. Students giving powerpoint presentations
are required to e-mail their presentations to me (kpicart@english.fsu.edu)
24 hours before they are due to report (an exception may be made only
with the first group to report). On the day of the presentations, the
presenters are required to come in with a diskette version (just in case
something goes wrong with the web) and two hard copies of the powerpoints
in "handout" format. AGAIN, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
The student powerpoints should feature:
- the aims of the particular class session
- key terms/concepts and examples of them, featuring specific clips
- a class outline, including an estimate of time allocations
- an interactive activity, which is usually a student edition powerpoint
presentation that may incorporate a game, small group work, acting a
skit, etc.
- guide questions for discussion
On the day of the presentation itself, come in with two powerpoint handout
copies (see below for instructions) to submit to me. One will be marked
and returned to you; the other will be kept on file. Just in case anything
goes wrong, also come in with an e-copy (diskette or CD) of your report.
The items outlined above comprise the criteria for the evaluation of
your work for this component, which comprises 40% of the total mark, with
each component above equally weighted. The presentations should be more
specifically geared at sharing ideas on how to present material to undergraduates,
rather than general commentaries on the material. Posting these powerpoint
presentations is a prerequisite to passing the course; failure to do so
will result in failure. 40% of your total grade will come from this presentation.
There are NO exceptions to this rule; you may switch teams and dates if
you tell me ahead of time, and work out arrangements with each other.
I will make sign-up arrangements available during the first week of summer
C so you may think about which session/s you would like to sign up for,
and with whom.
In order to save on ink and paper, you may print out a "handout"
version. Instructions for this are listed below. If it is easier for you,
just print out an ordinary copy of the powerpoint presentation and photocopy
it to save ink.
of Handout Copies of Powerpoint Presentations [top]
Here are the instructions for the best way to print out PowerPoint presentations:
I. From the web
(You must have the PowerPoint program installed on your
computer to do it this way)
- Use Netscape to get to campus.fsu.edu.
- After you log in and get to the course webpage, click to External
- Click on the PowerPoint presentation you would like to print out.
- A window will open to ask if you would like to "save it to disk"
or "run from the current location". For convenience's sake,
click "run from current location." This will download and
transfer the presentation to the PowerPoint program on your computer.
- Go to "File" on the menu. Scroll down to "Print".
- When the print menu pops up.
a. You can choose from "slides". This will print each slide
on a full page.
b. To save paper, you can choose to print as "handouts". On
a section on the right, you can choose how many slides you would like
on each page.
c. Also, there are checklist options at the bottom, I recommend clicking
"pure black and white" for clearer pictures on a black and
white printer.
d. When you are finished, click the "OK" button.
II. From the PowerPoint Program
- Click on the "my computer" icon.
- Click on the icon representing where your file is saved (for example,
if the PowerPoint presentation you wish to open is on your disk, click
- Click on the file in order to open.
- Go to "File" on the menu. Scroll down to "Print".
- When the print menu pops up.
a. You can choose from "slides". This will print each slide
on a full page.
b. To save paper, you can choose to print as "handouts". On
a section on the right, you can choose how many slides you would like
on each page.
c. Also, there are checklist options, I recommend clicking "pure
black and white" for clearer pictures on a black and white printer.
d. When you are finished, click the "OK" button.
Remember that threaded conversations go on during the weekends of weeks
2, 3 and 4 from Fridays through Sundays, midnight, with a minimum of 500
words and a maximum of 750 words (double spaced within BB), again seeking
to comment substantively on the powerpoint presentations in relation to
theoretical and practical issues in teaching the material to the class.
Since we will be doing this only for six weeks, there will be no cancellations
of missed posts. Posts should be made in the general discussion board,
so everyone has access to the material, and may comment on individual
posts. Feedback on how you are doing (both in your presentations and BB
threaded conversations) will be provided through BB and will be handed
back to you in class.
Note: Appropriate breaks will be given, and all TAs are encouraged
to bring their own lunches/snacks or drinks to share as they please, to
help keep everyone energetic and focused.
Scale [top]
A |
93-100% |
C |
76-73% |
A- |
90-92% |
C- |
70-72% |
B+ |
87-89% |
D+ |
69-67% |
B |
83-86% |
D |
66-63% |
B- |
80-82% |
D- |
62-60% |
C+ |
79-77% |
F |
59-0% |
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