![]() ![]() Dr. Caroline Joan ("Kay") S. PicartHonorsSelected Awards and Grants Note: Awards and contracts are subdivided into research, teaching, and service, for clarity. Recent Honors:Dr. Picart was awarded the “Best Essay” Award in 2016, by Dapim, an Israel-based international scholarly journal on Holocaust Studies, for an essay published in 2015: Nationalities, Histories, Rhetorics: Real/Reel Representations of the Holocaust and Holocaust Trials and a Poethics of Film and Law, Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust, 2015. Vol. 29, No. 2, 1–20 (May, 2015). 2013 — Dr. Picart was awarded the Book Awards for Human Rights and Globalization (for Spring 2013). 2013 — Dr. Picart was awarded the Book Awards for Art Law and Cross-Cultural Legal Counseling for Summer 2012. 2012 — Dr. Picart successfully defended her Master of Arts thesis (as part of a joint Juris Doctor of Law and Master of Arts in Women's Studies) on February 7, 2013. 2012 — Dr. Picart was awarded the Book Awards (given to the top student) for: American Legal Thought, European and International Copyright, International Trade Law, Trade and Human Rights. She was also a part of the Dean's List. Dr. Picart was invited to present her research at a recent law conference: Works in Progress: “Exotic” Whiteness as Status Property in Fuller’s Skirt Dance and Graham’s Modern Dances, Latino and Latina Critical Theory (LatCrit) XVI, San Diego, CA, Oct. 8, 2011. She was one of twenty students nationally invited to present at LatCrit XVI.
2011 University of Florida Levin College of Law Book Awardee for a seminar on Race, Law, Justice. Fall 2011 Dean's List, University of Florida Levin College of Law. 2010 Florida Bar Foundation Law Fellowship Awardee, summer 2010 Research Awards:Before Tenure and Promotion: 1999 Award:Best Paper, Critical Theory Division: “Brides of Frankenstein: Gender, Technology and Myth in Frankenstein Films,” 97 th Annual Convention of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, November 6, 1999 1998 Fellowship: Cornell University’s Summer Institute of Criticism and Theory fellowship, partially funded by Cornell University, St. Lawrence University and the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire ($1,000) 1998 Award: University Research and Creative Activity, deloaded to half-time teaching and awarded $1,900 to complete The Cinematic Rebirths of Frankenstein 1997 Fellowship, Visiting Minority Scholar/Artist, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire ($2000) 1995 Award: grant from the Organizing Committee, XIIIth International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, Italy ($500) 1993 Scholarship: Candidacy Awardee, Goethe Institute, Seoul, Korea 1991 Award: Reuben Levy Travel Awards Scheme, Christ’s College, Cambridge University (500 pounds) 1991 Award: Wolfson Prize for Academic Excellence, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University (unanimously awarded) (100 pounds) 1989 Award: Reuben Levy Travel Awards Scheme, Christ´s College, Cambridge University (500 pounds) 1989–91 Scholarship: Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholar, Sir Run Run Shaw Awardee 1989–90 Award: Overseas Research Student Awardee, Cambridge University 1989 Award: Graduated with Honors, M.A. Philosophy, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 1987–89 Scholarship: Ateneo de Manila University, M.A. Philosophy University Scholar 1987 Award: Graduated Magna Cum Laude, B.S. Biology, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 1987 Award: Departmental Awardee for Academic Excellence and Extra-Academic Involvement, Department of Biology, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 1987 Award: National Civil Exam Exemption 1984–87 Scholarship: Ateneo Scholarship Foundation Grantee, B.S. Biology (Honor’s Program) 1984–87 Ateneo de Manila University Merit Scholar for Academic AccelerationResearch Grants and Contracts:
2007 Nominated, Distinguished Scholar Award, National Communication Association, Rhetorical Theory and Criticism 2007 Nominated, Best Book, National Communication Association, Critical and Cultural Studies Division for From Ballroom to DanceSport 2007 Nominated, Best Book, National Communication Association, Visual Communication Division Studies for Frames of Evil: Holocaust as Horror in American Film (co-authored with David Frank) 2006 FSU Provost Travel Grant Award, to deliver 4 papers at the National Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, TX ($600) Research Grants and Contracts: After Tenure and Promotion (2004 onwards): 2006 Research & Creativity Award, English Department, Florida State University, to work on Terror and Trauma ($559) 2005 Research & Creativity Award, English Department, Florida State University, to work on Frames of Evil: Holocaust as Horror in American Film (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press) ($500) 2003 Research & Creativity Award, English Department, Florida State University, to work on From Ballroom to DanceSport: Aesthetics, Athletics and Body Culture (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press) ($400) Research Grants and Contracts: Before Tenure and Promotion (2003): 2003 Faculty Travel Grant, Florida State University, to present four papers and respond to one panel at the Annual Convention of the National Communication Association 2003 Committee on Faculty Research Support (COFRS) research grant to support research during summer to complete the Holocaust Film Sourcebook ($8000) 2003 Strozier Library Primary Sources Grant, to acquire film scripts and DVDs/VHSs on Expanding the Library’s Holocaust Film Collection to include Pre- and Post-Holocaust related films; co-awarded with Nathan Stoltzfus, History Department, Florida State University, ($3263.90) 2002 Research & Creativity Award, English Department, Florida State University, to work on “The Holocaust Film Sourcebook” ($1200) 2002 Council for Research and Creative Activity (CRC) Planning Grant for Holocaust as Horror Film, $8000 2002 Strozier Library Primary Sources Grant, to acquire film scripts and DVDs/VHSs on the Holocaust, Horror and Science Fiction Films, ($25,000) 2002 Council on Instruction (COI) Planning Grant to develop the Humanities Film Program’s web courses and to create resources for the summer training of the graduate students ($8,000) 2002 Research & Creativity Award, English Department, Florida State University, to work on “Holocaust as Horror” ($500) 2001 First Year Assistant Professor (FYAP) Research Award, Council on Creativity and Research, to do a summer of research and writing ($10,000) 2000 Research & Creativity Award, English Department, Florida State University: to work on “In Between Laughter & Horror: Comedic, Science Fiction & Holocaust Offshoots of Frankenstein” ($815) 2000 St. Lawrence University Research Grant, to do a video project on Autoethnography and Ballroom Dance ($1,200) 1999 St. Lawrence University Large Research Grant, to finish work on The Frankenstein Film Sourcebook ($2500) 1999 Institute on Race and Ethnicity Research Grant, University of Wisconsin-System, “The Hybrid Body” ($500) 1998 Institute on Race and Ethnicity, University of Wisconsin System Research Grant, “Inside Notes from the Outside: Attempts at a Post-Colonial Politics of Representation,” ($1,400) 1997 University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire Research Grant, “Resentment and the ‘Feminine’ in Nietzsche,” ($500) 1997 University of Wisconsin–Eau ClaireResearch Grant, “The Rebirths of Frankenstein,” ($500) Teaching Honors and Grants:After Tenure and Promotion (2004 onwards): 2006 Nominated for Graduate Mentoring Award and Honor’s Thesis Mentoring Award 2005 Grant: Florida State University Office of Distributed and Distance Learning: to develop advanced Blackboard skills for the English senior seminar: Gender, Race, Class, Sexuality and the Body in Dance (.375 FTE) 2004 Grant: Florida State University Office of Distributed and Distance Learning: to develop advanced Blackboard skills for ENG 5028: Rhetorical Theory & Practice (.375 FTE) Teaching Honors and Grants:Before Tenure and Promotion: 2002–03Grant: Florida State University Human Rights Center: to develop a course Human Rights and the Politics of Traumatic Memory: Visualizing the Holocaust through Film ($2000) 2001 Grant:Florida State University’s Council on Instruction: to develop a virtual version of HUM 3321; and create teacher and student edition CDs that will contain accompanying powerpoints and video or DVD clips for both the virtual and live multicultural film courses (which have an annual enrollment of at least 1,300 students per year, $10,000) 2001 Grant: Florida State University’s Center for the Advancement of Human Rights: to develop a course on “Human Rights in Law and the Humanities” ($2,000) 1999 Grant: Andrew Mellon and St. Lawrence University’s Grant for Teaching and Technology ($ 7,500) 1998 Award: Network for Excellence in Teaching , University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, to develop a course: “Postmodernisms and Feminisms in the Interpretation of Literature, Philosophy, Science and Law,” ($500) 1998 Award: Office of University Research Summer Grant for Faculty-Student Collaboration , University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, “Exploiting Human Suffering: Representations of the Holocaust,” ($500) 1998 Award: Network for Excellence in Teaching , University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire:to purchase materials for a newly developed course, “Philosophy and Film” ($500) 1998 Award: Office of University Research Travel Award for Faculty-Student Collaborative Panel , University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, “Violence in Frankensteinian Films,” Florida State University’s 24 th Annual Film and Literature Conference, January 1999 ($500) 1997 Grant: Faculty-Student Research Collaboration, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, “Postmodern Perspectives in Philosophy, Literature & Film,” ($500) 1997 Award: Network for Excellence in Teaching, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, “Gender, Authority, and the Politics of Representation in Science and Art,” ($500) Service Awards and Grants:After Tenure and Promotion (2004 onwards): 2008 Leon County Tourism Board Special Events Grant to fund publicity for the 2008 Florida State University Film and Literature Conference on “Cyborg Science and Virtual Materialities in Film and Literature: Translating Across Cultures,” $1000 2008 Leon County Tourism Board Special Events Grant to fund publicity for the 2008 “Experience Asia” event, run by the Asian Coalition of Tallahassee, $500 2006 Leon County Tourism Board Special Events Grant to fund Keith Beauchamp’s talk for the 2006 Florida State University Film and Literature Conference on “Documenting Trauma, Documenting Terror,” $3000 (with Frank Tomasulo and Mark Cooper) Service Awards and Grants:Before Tenure and Promotion: 1999 Award: Dedicated Faculty Advisor, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Office of Activities & Programs Grant: Institute on Race and Ethnicity Reading Seminar (for faculty, students and staff of different departments) , University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire; competitively applied for in keeping with initiatives as convenor of Committee on Curricular Initiatives and Intellectual Climate ($500) Comments: cjpicart@gmail.com |