![]() ![]() Dr. Caroline J.S. (Kay) PicartPublications & ResearchLaw Conference Panels — Dr. Picart organized a panel, "FDU Press Book Series on Law, Culture & Humanities: Searching for/Symbolizing Justice and Law in Artistic, Literary, Architectural and Constitutional Narratives,” which featured four papers by authors who have published with the Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series on Law, Culture and the Humanities, and was presented at the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities 2017 Conference at Stanford University Law School on March 31, 2017. Dr. Picart's paper, as part of that panel, was titled: “Law In and As Culture: American and Australian Aboriginal Case Studies in Copyright Law.” FDU Press Book Series on Law, Culture & Humanities | Album
Law Conferences— Toward a Poethics in Film and Law: Documenting Real/Reel Representations of the Holocaust and Holocaust Trials, Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, March 6-7, 2015. — Theorizing Resistance in Relation to Copyright and Choreography, Latino and Latina Critical Theory (LatCrit) VII, Chicago, IL, Oct. 5, 2013. — Monstrosity, Serial Killing, the criminal blackman and the Lesbian Female Serial Killer: Fact and Fiction in Depictions of Wayne Williams and Aileen Wuornos, Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, University of London, England, March 21, 2013. — Works in Progress: “Exotic” Whiteness as Status Property in Fuller’s Skirt Dance and Graham’s Modern Dances, Latino and Latina Critical Theory (LatCrit) VI, San Diego, CA, Oct. 8, 2011. Academic Conferences— "The Politics and Ethics of Terratologies: Monsters In and Among Us," 4th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 14-17, 2008. — "Ironizing and Transvaluing in Rorty and Nietzsche: The Ethics and Politico-Aesthetics of (Re)Creating the Self and Community," 4th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 14-17, 2008. — "Frames of Evil: Towards an Ethics of Spectatorship," 4th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 14-17, 2008. — "Is Life Beautiful?: Humor, Terror and History," FSU 31st Annual Conference on Literature and Film, Tallahassee, FL, February 2-5, 2006 — "Autoethnography and Reflexive Indigenous Ethnography: Dancing Inside-Outside the Ivory Tower," 2006 National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2006. — "Documenting and Dramatizing Trauma and History: Humor, Horror and Terror," 2006 National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2006. — "Media Star and Monster: Spectacle and the "Imeldific," 2006 National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2006. — "Packaging Fantasy and Morality: The Health of Bodies and the Health of DanceSport," National Communication Association Convention, Boston, November 17-20, 2005.— " Representing the Dangerous and Endangered: Violence to/by the Female Serial Killer (The Case of Aileen Wuornos)," National Communication Association Convention, Boston, November 17-20, 2005. — Participant, Panel on: The Healthy Workshop on Visual Communication: Decoding Gender and Race in Television Commercials, National Communication Association Convention, Boston, November 17-20, 2005. — Respondent, Panel on: Violence and Psychoanalysis, National Communication Association Convention, Boston, November 17-20, 2005. — " Of Spiritual and Bodily Health and Dis-Ease: the Marcoses and the People’s Power Revolution," National Communication Association Convention, Boston, November 17-20, 2005. — " Representing the Dangerous and Endangered: Violence to/by the Female Serial Killer (The Case of Aileen Wuornos)," National Communication Association Convention, Boston, November 17-20, 2005. — "
Packaging Fantasy and Morality: The Health of Bodies and the Health of
DanceSport," National Communication Association Convention, Boston,
November 17-20, 2005. — "Hybridizing Gender, Class and Sexuality in Relation to Serial Killing: The Case of Aileen Wuornos," FSU Film and Literature Conference, Tallahassee, January 27-29, 2005. — "Decoding Gender and Race in Television Commercials," (Panelist), National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. — "Horror and Rhetoric," (Respondent to Panel), National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. — "Exploring Insideness and Outsideness Across the Mind-Body Split: An Ethnography of the Professor as Dancer, and Dancer as Professor," National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. — With Jennifer Perrine, "Can Laughter Ever be an Ethical Response to the Holocaust?: Rhetorically Re-Visualizing Laughter, Terror, and Revolt in Life is Beautiful, Train of Life and Jakob the Liar," National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. — "Moving Forward and Looking Back: From Aesthetics to Athletics-Rhetorically Repackaging Ballroom Dance into DanceSport," National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. — "Towards a Gothic Criminology: Psychoanalyzing the Compulsions of Real/Reel Serial Killers and Vampires," National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. — "Emplotting the Holocaust into Horror: Apt Pupil, Misogyny and Homophobia," FSU Film and Literature Conference, February 2004. — Caroline Joan S. Picart, "Rhetorically Reconfiguring Victimhood and Agency: Reaching Beyond The Violence Against Women Act's Civil Rights Clause," National Communication Association, Miami Beach, November 19-23, 2003. — Caroline Joan S. Picart and Kenneth Gergen, "Dharma Dancing: Ballroom Dance and the Relational Order," National Communication Association, Miami Beach, November 19-23, 2003. — Caroline Joan S. Picart, Respondent to a panel, "A Means for Reaching Out Made Possible Only By Reaching In: Writing as Naming the Self Into Being," National Communication Association, Miami Beach, November 19-23, 2003. — Caroline J.S. Picart, "The Problem of the Feminine in Nietzsche and Burke," National Communication Association, Miami Beach, November 19-23, 2003. — Caroline J.S. Picart, "Inside Notes from the Outside: Narrativity, The Gaze, and Post-Modernity," National Women's Studies Association, New Orleans, June 21, 2003. — Caroline J.S. Picart, "Living, Writing and Theorizing Bodies through Ballroom Dance," National Women's Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, June 20, 2003. — Katheryn Wright and Caroline J.S. Picart, "Sexuality, Historicity and Meaning in Holocaust Films," FSU Film and Literature Conference, January 30, 2003. — Jason McKahan and Caroline J.S. Picart, "From Isolationism to Interventionism: The Local and the Global in Hollywood Anti-Nazi Films," FSU Film and Literature Conference, January 30, 2003. — Michelle Commander and Caroline J.S. Picart, "Truth, Humor, and the Holocaust," FSU Film and Literature Conference, January 30, 2003. — Caroline J.S. Picart and Jason McKahan, "Visualizing the Holocaust in Gothic Terms: The Ideology of U.S. Signal Corps Cinematography," FSU Film and Literature Conference, January 30, 2003. — Jeneen Surrency and Caroline J.S. Picart, "DP Camps and the Documentary," FSU Film and Literature Conference, January 30, 2003. — Caroline J.S. Picart and David Frank, "History and Myth, Fact and Fiction in Schindler's List: Memorializing, Visualizing, and Repackaging the Holocaust," Hollywood Style, FSU Film and Literature Conference, February 1, 2003. — "Inside Notes from the Outside: Philosophy and Rhetoric as Politico-Aesthetic," 2002 National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002 — "Sirens' Songs," 2002 National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002 — "The Monstrous Gaze in Holocaust and Horror Films: A Comparison of Schindler's List, Psycho, Silence of the Lambs and Apt Pupil," 2002 National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002 — "Straining Beyond Romantic Constructions of Self and Other: Comedic and Science Fiction Frankenstein Films," 2002 International Conference on Romanticism, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, October, 2002 — Caroline J.S. Picart and Peter Reed, "The Monstrous Gaze in Holocaust and Horror Films: The Feminized Victim in Schindler's List and Silence of the Lambs," 2002 Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 13-17, 2002. — Caroline J.S. Picart and David Frank, "The Holocaust as Horror-Psychological Thriller Film: Working-Through Spielberg's Schindler's List," 2002 Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 13-17, 2002. — Barbara Robinson and Caroline J.S. Picart, "Monstrous Females in Horror-Comedic Films," XXVIIth Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, January 26, 2002 — Caroline J. S. Picart, "The 'Ah/Ooh-Ha' Experience: Contemporary Hybrid Science Fiction and Comedic Versions of Frankenstein," XXVIIth Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, January 26, 2002 — Caroline J.S. Picart and David Frank, "The Holocaust as Horror Film: Spielberg's Schindler's List Reconsidered," National Communication Association's 87th Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, 2001 — Respondent to the Visual Communication Commission's Panel on "Picart's The Cinematic Rebirths of Frankenstein: Universal, Hammer and Beyond: Responses and Rejoinder," " National Communication Association's 87th Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, 2001 — "The Rhetoric of Nietzschean Resentment in McKinnon, Dworkin and Bell's Legal Theories," " National Communication Association's 87th Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, 2001 — "Dancing Beyond 'Truth' and 'Art,'" National Communication Association's 87th Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, 2001 — "Virtual Gestures and Lived Realities: An Autoethnography of Ballroom Dancing," National Communications Association's 87th Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, 2001 — "Teaching and Technology Apprenticeships in Philosophy and the Humanities," 19th International Conference on Technology and Education, Florida State University, May 2-5, 2001 — "Dancing Through Different Worlds: An Autoethnography of the Interactive Body in Ballroom Dance," Society for Symbolic Interaction Couch Stone Symposium, University of Miami, February 23-25, 2001 — "Dancing Through Different Worlds: Virtual Emotions and the Gendered Body in Ballroom Dance," Florida State University's Film and Literature Conference, February, 2001 — "Autoethnography and a Post-Modern Politics of Narrativity and the Gaze," National Communication Association's 86th Annual Convention, Seattle Washington, November 8-12, 2000 — "Romanticism, Reason and Passion: (Re)Creating Woman as Beautiful Monster," 7th Annual American Conference on Romanticism Meeting, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602-6047, October 12-14, 2000 — "Nietzschean Resentment in McKinnon, Dworkin and Bell's Legal Theories," 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, October 5-7, 2000 — "Teaching and Technology Apprenticeships in Philosophy," Computing & Philosophy Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, August 10-12, 2000 — "When Margins Move to the Center: Story-Telling and the Construction of Self and Community;" "Beyond Good and Evil: the Black-White Divide in Derrick Bell's Work," 25th Anniversary Congress on Law and Mental Health, Siena, Italy, July 10-15, 1999 — "At the Limen: Autoethnography, Gender and Race," Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction's Couch/Stone Conference, University of South Florida, St.Petersberg Beach, January 26-31, 2000 — "Inside Notes from the Outside: Gender, Hybridity and Mobility," Gendered Mobilities in Asia Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 24-26, 1999 — "Brides of Frankenstein: Gender, Technology and Myth in Frankenstein Films," 97th Annual Convention of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, November 6, 1999 — "Frankenstein 1970: The Visual Recasting of Nazism as Monster," National Communication Association's 85th Annual Convention, Chicago Hilton and Towers, November 4, 1999 — "Dangerous and Endangered: the Visualization of the Female Monster in Frankenstein Films," Second Biennial Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, University of Minnesota, October 8, 1999 — "Voicing the Unseen, Visualizing the Aural: Musicality and Metaphoricity in Nietzsche-a Response to Richard Mayock's 'Nietzsche, Metaphor and the Language of Tones,'" 96th Annual Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, University of California-Berkeley, April 2, 1999 — "The Scandal of the Monstrous Female," XXIVth Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 28-30 January, 1999 — "Whale's Monstrous Rebirths of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Effacing the (M)Other," National Communication Association, New York Hilton & Towers Marriott Marquis, November 21-24, 1998 — "Race as a Sign in Mann's and Visconti's Deaths in Venice," XXIIIrd Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 29 January - 1 February, 1998 — "The Poiesis of Mestizahe," Poetics of Hybridity Conference, University of Minnesota, October 16-18, 1997. — "(Re)Presenting Husserl via Magritte and Escher: Memory, Pictoriality and Virtual Reality," XXIInd Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 29 Jan.-1 Feb., 1997 — "The Modern Radicalization of the Zeus-Dionysian Mythologem: Gender, Myth and Politics in Whale's Frankenstein," Speech Communication Association Conference, San Diego, California, November 23-26, 1996 — "Exca/Elevating the 'Feminine': Politics, Gender and Myth in Nietzsche's Theatre of Modernity," presented at the "Dramas of Culture" Conference, XXth Annual Conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, 8-11 May 1996; grant awarded by the Research and Graduate Studies Office and Department of Philosophy, PSU — "Inside Notes from the Outside," presented at the 11th Annual Graduate Research Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, 15-16 March, 1996; grant awarded by the Research and Graduate Studies Office, PSU — "Resisting Myths/Myths of Resistance," Gender and Resistance Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, 16-18 February, 1996 — "Gender, Politics and Mythology in Whale's Frankenstein," Genre and Gender in Film and Literature Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 25-27 January 1996; grant awarded by the Office of the Minority Supervisor and Department of Philosophy, PSU — "Remembering Within Remembering in Husserl and Magritte," Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, New York, New York, 27-30 December, 1995; grant awarded by the Research and Graduate Studies Office, PSU — "The Politics of Gender, Myth and Spatiality in bell hooks and Margaret Fuller," 12th International Philosophy Conference of the North American Nietzsche Society, Colby College, August 10-13, 1995, grant awarded by the Office of the Minority Supervisor and the Department of Philosophy, PSU — "From Fear to Yearning: Closure and Disclosure in bell hooks and Charlotte Salomon," Philosophy, Interpretation, Culture Conference, Binghamton University, 27-29 April 1995, grant awarded by the Department of Philosophy, PSU — "Opening the Text: Reading Gender, Christianity and American Interventionism in Deliverance," co-authored and co-delivered with Davis Houck, Literature and Popular Culture Conference, Binghamton University, 21-22 April 1995, grant awarded by the Department of Philosophy, PSU — "Of Sojourning and Homecoming: The Song of the Exiled in Maxine Hong Kingston´s The Woman Warrior," Literature and Popular Culture Conference, Binghamton University, 21-22 April 1995, grant awarded by Department of Philosophy, PSU — "The Three Masks of Zarathustra: Nietzsche´s Romantic Rebirthing of the Zeus-Dionysian-Apollinian Political Mythologems," Cultures in Crisis in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature and Art Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, 31 March and 1 April, 1995 — "Killing and Re-Birthing the Tragic in Nietzsche," Tragic Paradigm in Philosophy Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, 24-25 March 1995 — "Classical and Romantic Mythology in the (Re)Birthing of Nietzsche´s Zarathustra," Continental Philosophy, Contemporary Research Conference, University of Essex, England, 25 February 1995, grant awarded by the Research and Graduate Studies Office, PSU — "Inside Notes from the Outside: The Politics of Naming and the Yearning for Enclosure," Global (Inter)Sections: Gender, Race and Class in (Multi)Cultural Texts Conference, Duquesne University, 12 November 1994; grant awarded by Research and Graduate Studies Office and Dept. of Philosophy, PSU — "Signatures and Counter-Signatures: Politics and Gender in Fuseli´s Nightmare and Shelley´s Androgynous Monster," American Conference on Romanticism, The Pennsylvania State University, 15 October 1994; grant awarded by Dept. of Philosophy, PSU Panels Organized "Trans/Nationalities, Hybridities, and Terra-Politics: Monsters and Exotic Others in Film," FSU Film and Literature Conference, forthcoming, Tallahassee, January 27-29, 2005. "Moving Forward, Looking Back into Rhetorics of Violence in Relation to Ethics," National Communication Association, Chicago, November 11-13, 2004. "Form and Cinematic Depictions of the Holocaust," FSU Film and Literature Conference, February 2004. "Myth, History, Genre, Gender, Sexuality and Humor in Representations of the Holocaust," FSU Film and Literature Conference, January 30, 2003. "A Spotlight Conversation Between Dominick LaCapra and Lawrence Rosenfield: Trauma and Its Vicissitudes," National Communication Association, Atlanta, November 2002 "Philosophy and Rhetoric in/and Action: Phenomenology, Ethics, Politico-Aesthetics," American Society for the History of Rhetoric, 2002 National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002 "Embodying and Acting the 'Life of the Mind': Autoethnographic Narratives from the Not-So-Ivory Tower," 2002 National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002 "Trauma, Therapy and Action," 2002 National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002 "Philosophy and Rhetoric in/and Action: Phenomenology, Ethics, Politico-Aesthetics," American Society for the History of Rhetoric, National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 2002. "Faultlines in Literature, Film and Visual Art: Undercutting the Politics of Utopia, Beauty, Monstrosity and "'Great Art'," XXVIIth Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, January 26, 2002 "Rhetorical Theory in the Light of Nietzsche and Nihilism," National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, 2001 "Artist-Philosopher: Magritte Re-Envisaged via Husserl and Foucault," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Washington, D.C., October 10-12, 1996 "Reading/Writing Race as a Refractory Sign in Thomas Mann, Visconti, Barthes, and Eco," XXIIIrd Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 29 Jan. - 1 Feb. 1998 "Violence in the Filmic Rebirths of the Frankenstein Myth," XXIVth Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 28 - 30 January, 1999 "Constructing/Consuming Virtual Bodies," 2nd Biennial International Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, University of Minnesota, October 7-9, 1999
Comments: cjpicart@gmail.com |