Draft and Final Paper Grading Criteria:
Note: Your draft and final essay grade will be based on the following criteria. Each category will be compiled of whole points; no partial points will be given. All of these criteria are equally weighted.
- Spelling Mechanics Structural Detail: These essays are to consist of 7-10 pages for the draft and 11-15 pages for the final paper, typewritten in a standard APA or MLA format, double-spaced, with 12 point font and 1 inch margins. If you use films, you must confer film credits (http://us.imbd.com) and spell the characters' and actors' names correctly. Your essay must have a clear thesis, which is to be followed by a series of arguments that support your thesis, using specific examples from texts.
- Examples of Feminist and Gender Theory and Criticism, Critical Theory, Cultural Studies and Sociology of Science: (quality and quantity): The essay must make reference to and apply ideas found in at least five required texts listed in the syllabus, and five new references, which you must research on your own. You must illustrate the interrelations of class, race, gender, embodiment and sexuality, where such is relevant.
- Application or Contemporization: Explain fully in detail how textual content and rhetorical mode of narration/persuasion/genre conventions inform your thesis. You should ask, for example, what is the thematic material or ideology of class, race, gender or sexuality in the selected text/s and how does the form of the text (whether it be a film, a scientific model, a painting, etc.) interact with, or enunciate, this theme or ideology? How does, for example, the filmmaker or artist attempt to express ideas and elicit emotional responses from spectators, using genre conventions? In what ways does the text you have chosen to write about, whether artistic or scientific, persuasively "address" an implied spectator by reference to codes of class, race, gender or sexuality?
- Synthesis of feminist or gender theory and criticism, cultural studies, critical theory, and sociology of science theories: Evaluates the overall synthesis of ideas derived from the theories presented in the course readings and their relationship to the formal structuring of the selected texts, with an eye to both form and content.
- Quality and creativity of thesis and arguments: Be specific in your arguments and try to avoid obvious or far-reaching statements. Creativity is assessed by your ability to often put unrelated ideas into a single conceptual framework and back these up with adequate and compelling proof.
Threaded Conversations Grading Criteria:^TOP
In order to receive any grade higher than 40 points on a 100 point scale, the student must meet the word limits set, which is between 250 to 500 words. At the top of the post, kindly indicate the word count and double space your entries (hit enter twice at the end of every line). To check your word count, in MSWORD use "Tools" -> "Word Count" and look at the number after 'words.' Failure to do so results in deductions to the next lower grade per omission (i.e., not having a word count moves you from an A to an A-; not double spacing, on top of that, leaves you with a B+ as the highest mark possible).
93-100 points
The student shows detailed comprehension of the question and the material and provides a very clear argumentation. Proper English grammar and spelling are essential for this grade.
87-92 points
The student shows detailed comprehension of the question and the material and provides for the most part a very clear argumentation. Proper English grammar and spelling are essential.
80-86 points
The student shows detailed comprehension of the question and the material and provides a good argumentation. Very few spelling or grammar errors may occur.
73-79 points
The student shows average comprehension of the question and the material. There are either minor argumentation or spelling or grammar errors in the writing.
67-72 points
The student shows either problems with the comprehension of the question and/or the material and at times lacks adequate argumentation. Spelling/grammar errors may also be frequently present.
60-66 points
The student shows problems with the comprehension of the question and the material and lacks proper argumentation. Spelling and grammar errors are frequently present. There may also be a large amount of wordiness.
00-59 points
The student meets any of the following criteria:
- word count too low (compare the required word count set by your instructor(s)).
- not answering the question provided (i.e. writing about everything else, but the
question asked).
- student has no grasp of the material.
- excessive spelling and grammar errors, including--but not limited to--frequent incomplete sentences. You have access to a free writing center on campus if you need help in improving your English.
- Student is caught plagiarizing: automatic 00 for that assignment. Further consequences may follow!
- 00 points for not turning in an assignment on time.
Grading Scale:^TOP
93-100% A
90-92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
79-77% C+
76-73% C
70-72% C-
69-67% D+
66-63% D
62-60% D-
59-0% F