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33rd Annual Film and Literature Conference
January 31-February 3, 2008
Cyborg Science and Virtual Materialities in Literature and
Translating Across "Cultures"
Florida State University
Student Life Building (January 31),
Moore Auditorium (February 1) Click Here for a printable map w/ parking info
Williams Building and Moore Auditorium (February 2),
Strozier Library (February 2 evening),
HCB Building (February 3)
Conference Hotel: Park Plaza Hotel
Nota Bene:
The director of the 2008 FSU Film and Literature Conference
apologizes for any inconveniences caused by having the conference
spread out over several buildings this year; the FSU administration
made a decision to tear down the Continuing Education building, where the convention
has been traditionally held for the past 32 years, to create a parking lot.
Click here for a map of the FSU Campus.
Session 001
January 31, 2008, Thursday Student Life Building, 7-9:30
Matthew Barney Film showing: Free and Open to the Public
Cremaster 2
Reception: 6-6:45 p.m.
Introductions and Film Showing: 7-9:15 p.m.
Welcome to Tallahassee, Mayor John Marks
Welcome Remarks, Professor Caroline (Kay) Picart (Florida State
Professor Karen Bearor (Florida State University), Introduction to Cremaster 2
Session 002
February 1, Friday Moore Auditorium: 8-9 a.m.: Registration
and pick-up of conference materials; complimentary breakfast for paid participants
9-10:30 a.m.: Formal Opening of the Conference
Welcome Remarks by Dean Nancy Marcus (Florida State University)
Plenary 1:
Professor Patricia Melzer (Temple University)
Introduction: Professor Irene Padavic (Florida State University)
10:45 a.m. - 12 noon: Williams Building sessions and book
display browsing. Book exhibits by Scholar's Choice and MIT Press
in Williams 13 throughout the conference
Session 003
February 1, Friday 10:45 a.m. -12 noon
Williams 415 - Technology in the American Identity: The Rebirth/Death
of the Dream in a New Frontier
Chair: Nicholas Yanes (Florida State University)
Nicholas Yanes (Florida State University) - "From Savior to Threat
- The Evolution of Technological Enhancements in Humanity"
Micah Vandegrift (Florida State University) - "Cyberpunk vs.
The American Dream: A Case Study in the Film A Scanner Darkly"
Lorrie Palmer (Indiana University) - "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful: Blonde Cyborg Superhero Defies the Collective"
Claudia Kovach (Neumann College) - "Love and Labyrinthe: Time
Transport Through Film Technology"
Session 004
February 1, Friday
10:45 a.m.-12 noon
Williams 454 - Posthuman Poetry: The Place of the Fantastic in
Chair: Evan Peterson
Evan Peterson (Florida State University) - "Fantastic Verse:
The Presence of the Mystical Shape Shifter in Poetry"
Jay Snodgrass (Florida State University) - "Zombie Love: Imagining
the Afterlives and Poetic Manifestations of the Horrors of the
Stephen Mills (Florida State University) - "Superhuman Poetics:
Exploring Superheroes in Contemporary Poetry"
Eric Lee (Florida State University) - "Normalizing the Improbable:
Using Posthuman Imagery to Subvert the Status Quo in Poetry"
12 noon -1:30 p.m. LUNCH
Participants will be provided with a list of places to order food from, or to proceed to.
Session 005
February 1, Friday 1:30-3 p.m.: Moore Auditorium
Plenary 2: Professor Stephen Prince (Virginia Tech University) - "Compositing the Three Cultures: Digital Imagery in Cinema"
Introduction: Professor Frank Tomasulo (Florida State University)
Session 006
February 1, Friday
3:15-5 p.m.: Moore Auditorium, Translating Across Science and
Chair: Hans S. Plendl (Florida State University)
Jerrilyn McGregory (Florida State University) - "Octavia Butler's
Religious Science in Her Parable Series"
Hans S. Plendl (Florida State University) - "Successes and Failures
in Attempts to Translate Between the Physical Sciences and the
Cecil Greek (Florida State University) - "Visual Criminology:
Photography as Art and Science?"
Jayne Standley (Florida State University) - "Music Therapy: The
Relationship Between the Art and the Science of Therapeutic"
5-6:45 p.m.:
5-7 p.m.: dinner; participants will be provided with a list of restaurants.
Optional Entertainment: Event is free and open to the public
To be seated, be back at Moore by 7 p.m.
7:30-10 p.m: Global Gatherings TV show, "Ballroom and Beyond: Translating
Across Cultures," Moore Auditorium, Sponsored by FSU's International
Center; Co-sponsored by The Asian Coalition of Tallahassee
Show is to be aired on 4FSU TV; Click here for more information
February 2, 2008, Saturday
Book exhibits by Scholar's Choice and MIT Press in Williams
13 throughout the conference
Session 007
February 2, 2008, Saturday
Williams Building Sessions
8-9 a.m.: Complimentary Breakfast for paid participants
9-10:30 a.m.
Williams 201 - Myths, Simulations, Simulacra in Science Fiction
Film: Brazil, Cuba, Spain
Chair: Sam Girgus (Vanderbilt University)
Sarah Childress (Vanderbilt University) - "Leave Your World:
The Revolutionary Fluidity of Sara Gomez's De Cierta Manera"
Alfredo Luiz Suppia (Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas) - "Breathe,
Baby, Breathe!: Brazilian Science Fiction Dystopian Film"
Session 008
February 2, 2008, Saturday
9-10:30 a.m.
Williams 204 - US and Global Cyborg Feminism in Film: The Terminator,
Seven of Nine, Lady Vengeance and Popular Cinema of the '20s.
Chair: Tracy Cox-Stanton (Savannah College of Art and Design)
Tracy Cox-Stanton (Savannah College of Art and Design) - "Sexy
Simians in Popular Cinema of the 1920s and 30s"
Caroline Barratt (University of Georgia) - "The Promise of Donna
Haraway's Feminist Cyborg: The TX in Terminator 3"
Seyda Aylin Gurses (University of Miami) - "Understanding the
Idea of Cyborg in Chan-Wook Park's Cinema: Comparison of I'm
A Cyborg, But That's Okay (2006) and Lady Vengeance (2005)"
Session 009
February 2, 2008, Saturday
9-10:30 a.m.
Williams 209 - Translating Across Cultures through Film: El Salvador,
China, the US, and Europe
Chair: Gabriele Weinberger (Lenoir-Rhyne College)
Gabriele Weinberger (Lenoir-Rhyne College)- "Lost in Translation:
Mostly Martha and its US Remake No Reservations"
Tianhai Xia (Florida State University) - "No More Reality in
Films: A Contrastive Study on the Frame"
Sally Jolles (Florida State University) - "Cao Yu's Thunderstorm
Against Zhang Yimou's Curse of the Golden Flower"
Session 010
February 2, 2008, Saturday
9-10:30 a.m.
Williams 214 - The Ghost in the Machine/The Body as Narrative
Sculpture: Textual Ambiguities and Teknolust in Koestler, Barney,
Beckford, and Hershman-Leeson
Chair: Thomas R. Nadar (Auburn University)
Thomas R. Nadar (Auburn University) - "The Ghost in the Machine:
The Transformational Power of Music and Literature in Das Leben
der Anderen"
Aija Laura Oborenko, Zane Zivitere (Information Systems Management
Institute) - "Matthew Barney: A Case Study"
Ari Adipurwawidjana (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) - "Something
More Congruous to His Wishes: The Structure and Prestructure
of Beckford's Vathek"
Robert Traer DeLellis (University of Miami) - "Sex Machines:
Intimacy, Technology, and Teknolust"
Session 011
February 2, 2008, Saturday 9-10:30 a.m.:
Williams 317 - The Virtual Subject of Cinematic Thought: Conceptualizing
French Film Philosophy
Chair: Hunter Vaughan (University of Oxford)
Hunter Vaughan (University of Oxford) - "The Virtual Subject
of Cinematic Thought: French Film Philosophy"
Ronald Bogue (University of Georgia) - "Minority Report and the
Deleuzian Brain"
Elena Oxman (University of North Carolina) - "Jean Epstein's
Philosophical Cinema"
Session 012
February 2, 2008, Saturday
9-10:30 a.m.:
Williams 318 - Rotoscoping Globalization, Identities, Bodies
Chair: Yasmin DeGout (Howard University)
Kevin Kehrwald (Frostburg State University) - "When A Sweater
Won't Do: Purity and Decomposition in The Day After Tomorrow"
Ana Perez-Manrique (MLA) - "Cultural Borders and Shifting Identities
in Contemporary Spanish Narrative"
Yasmin DeGout (Howard University) - "Racial Identity, Colonization
and Mechanization: Will Smith/Del Spooner in Proyas's I, Robot
and Maxwell Smyth in Naylor's Linden Hills"
Christian Gay (University of Miami) - "Rotoscoping a Queer Futurity
in Richard Linklater's A Scanner Darkly"
Session 013
February 2, 2008, Saturday
9-10:30 a.m.:
Williams 319 - Re-envisioning Stereotypes: Hillbillies, Jackasses,
Prostitutes, Western Masculinities and Noir Fatales
Chair: Burlin Barr (Central Connecticut University)
Burlin Barr (Central Connecticut University) - "Ambivalent Modernities
in Mambety's Hyenas and Touki Bouki"
Barbara Ladner - "Objective and Subjective Discourse in Appalachian
David H. Lee (University of South Florida) - "Ownage and the
Waning of Affect"
Timothy Bengford (Florida State University)-- Masculinity in the New Western: "Seraphim Falls"
Session 014
February 2, 2008, Saturday
9-10:30 a.m.:
Williams 320 - Cyborgs, Humans, and Post-Humans
Chair: William Nesbitt (Beacon College)
William Nesbitt (Beacon College) - "Souls Don't Die: Defining
Life, Human, Machine, and Cyborg in The Iron Giant"
Hanna Frostman (Savannah College of Art and Design) - "Placing
the Ghost in the Shell: An End to Natural Selection?"
Eddy Von Mueller (Emory University) - "Innocence Automated: The
Figure of the Artificial Child from Astroboy to A.I."
10:45-12:00 p.m. LUNCH
Participants will be given a list of suggested places near the campus for lunch.
Session 015
February 2, 2008, Saturday
12:15-1:30 p.m.: PLENARY 3: Professor Judith Kerman (Saginaw Valley
State University) "Standing on the Edge: The Problem of Sentience."
Introduction: Maxine Montgomery (Florida State University)
Moore Auditorium
February 2, 2008, Saturday
Williams Building sessions:
Session 016
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 201 - Memory, Time, Trauma and Psychoanalysis in Film
and Literature: Kieslowski, Inarritu, Dostoevski, Nabokov, Asperger,
Chair: Julie W. Arnold (Alma College)
Colin Healey (Florida State University) - "The Works of Nabokov
through the Lens of Asperger"
Julie W. Arnold (Alma College) - "The Theme of Recycling in Krzysztof
Kieslowski's Blue"
Matthew Feltman (University of Florida) - "Transcrypt-ing a Cine-mimetic
Aesthetic: Gendered Trauma in Amores Perros and Babel"
Irena Galloway (Florida State University) - "The World Upside
Down: The Possessed Women in Dostoevsky's Novels"
Session 017
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 204 - Cyborgs, Cyberpunk Anti-Heroes, and Clones: Ahab,
Johnny Mnemonie, and Stepford Wives
Chair: Nina Martin (Connecticut College)
Jayson Baker (Emerson College) - "Waking Up the Mythic American
Ken Cormier (University of Connecticut) - "Ahab the Cyborg"
Nina Martin (Connecticut College) - "Reimagining Stepford: Visions
of the Postfeminist Cyborg"
Session 018
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 209 - Between Myth and History, Fact and Fiction: Violence,
Resistance, and Women
Chair: Debra White-Stanley (Indiana University/Purdue University
Beverly Richard Cook (North Central College) - "Fairy tale as
Protest in Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth"
Elena Foulis - "Justified Violence: Femicidios en Juarez"
Debra White-Stanley (Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis) - "Spy
Women: Mapping Public and Domestic Space in the Espionage Film"
Sara Gerend (Purdue University North Central) - "You'll Be Right
As Rain: Abortion and 1950s Britain in Mike Leigh's Vera Drake"
Session 019
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 214 - Between Cyborg and Griot: Regional and Global
Posthumanism in Film and Literature
Chair: Roberta Tabanelli (Christopher Newport University)
Joshua Meyer (Florida State University) - "The Architect of a
New Universe: Iron Man and the Post-Civil War Restructuring of
Karen Walker (University of California Davis) - "Putting the
South in Posthumanism: Signifying Cyborgs in Ralph Ellison's
Invisible Man"
Michael Laramee (Univerity of Miami) - "Part-Cyborg, Part-Griot:
Cine-Trance and Proto-Afrofuturism in the Films of Rouch the
Roberta Tabanelli (Christopher Newport University) - "Blue Haired
Girl Mnemonic: Italian Sci-Fi Nirvana"
Session 020
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 317 - Global Explorations in Cyborg Science and Science Fiction: The Politics of Posthuman Bodies
Chair: Paul Kohl (Loras College)
John Woodward (Florida State University) -- "Problematics in Cyborg Science: Narrative, the Indeterminate, and Utopia"
Paul Kohl (Loras College) - "Resurrection and the Science Fiction
Hyewon Shin (CUNY) - "The Uncanny Cyborg in Mamoru Oshii's Ghost
in the Shell and Innocence"
Susan Scrivner (Bemidji State University) - "Constructed Women:
Replicant, Precog, Synthespian"
Session 021
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 318 - Translating Across the Poetics, Politics and Ethics
of Representation: Film, Law and Science, Art, Painting
Chair: Sam Girgus (Vanderbilt University)
Marlowe Fox (Florida State University) - "The Law as a Science"
Sam Girgus (Vanderbilt University) - "Hybrid Temporalities:
Levinas' Ethical Horizons"
Carla De Bellis (Universita degli Studi, La Sapienza) - "Poetics,
Art, and Rewriting in P.J. Martello's Sermoni della Poesia"
William Leparulo (Florida State University) - "The Conflict of
Carnival and Lent in Pasolini's Decameron"
Session 022
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 319 - Connecting Crossings and Unifications In Theory and Praxis
Chair: Bernard Reuter (St. Cloud University)
Mary A. Gervin (Albany State University) - "Mythical Pasts and
Continuous Communities: The Timeless Tale of Alejo Carpentier's
Juan de Amberes"
Bernard Reuter (St. Cloud University) - "The Forgotten Memory of the GDR Reinvented: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's film Das Leben der Anderen, 'The Life of Others'"
Michael Mirabile (Reed College) - "Transatlantic Crossings: Relocating
Eleanor Bowman (Independent Scholar), "Revisioning Human Being"
Session 023
February 2, 2008, Saturday
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Williams 320 - Genre Blends in High/Low Culture: Beauty in Poetry,
Film, Visual Art, and The Internet
Chair: Glen Brewster (Westfield State College)
Glen Brewster (Westfield State College) - "Sexual Personae: Variants
of the Lamia in Coleridge's Christabel and Lynch's Mulholland
Homer Pettey (University of Arizona) - "Mannequinism and Noir Aesthetics"
Ricky Varghese (University of Toronto) - "What Are You Looking
At?!: The Impossibility of/for Community through the Face in
Facebook and the Gaze in Michael Haneke's Cache"
Session 024
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 201 - Space, Time, Sound in Film and Literature as a
Chair: Catherine Webster (University of Central Oklahoma)
Catherine Webster (University of Central Oklahoma) - "Je M'amuse
Comme Un Fou!: How France's Playwrights Enhanced the Science
of Cinema"
Galiya Tabulda-Feliciano (Florida State Univerity) - "Nabokov's
Speak, Memory: Invitation to an Exhibition"
Laura Barrett (Wilkes Honors College at Florida Atlantic University) - "William
Gibson's Ekphrastic Sublime"
Session 025
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 204 - Translating Across Skin and Code's Post-Cinephilia
and Technophilia: Digital Hermeneutics in Film, Photography and
News Media
Chair: Toni Perrine (Grand Valley State University)
Chad Newsom (Savannah College of Art and Design) - "Garbot: "What is Post-Cinephilia?""
Toni Perrine (Grand Valley State University) - "One World or
None?: Until the End of the World and Technophilia"
Session 026
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 209 - Posthumanism, Cyberspace, and the Cyborg
Chair: John Turner (Goucher College)
Jonathan Dean (Florida State University) - "The Cut-Up Novels
of William S. Burroughs: Perversity, Posthumanism and the Poetry
of Anarchy"
John Turner (Goucher College) - "Clone Culture: Tagged, Tracked,
Mapped, Chipped"
Iskandar Zulkarnain (Florida State University) - "Hacktivism:
The Politics of Noise and Sensation"
Session 027
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 214 - Cyborg and Sexual Identity in Film and Music Video
Chair: Kris Barton (Dalton State College)
Kris Barton (Dalton State College) - "Sexual Identity of the
Not-Quite-Human Being: How Science Fiction Films Have Portrayed
Individualism in the Pseudo-Human Character"
Svitlana Matviyenko (University of Missouri, Columbia) - "A Cyborg
at the Mirror Stage: The Conflict Between the Body and the Flesh
in David Cronenberg's Films"
Karma Waltonen (University of California, Davis) - "Loving the
Other in Fantasy and Sci-Fi by Women"
Nicole Richter (University of Miami) - "Postmodern Cyborg Desire
in Bjork's Music Videos"
Session 028
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 317 - For Public Consumption: Popular Literature and
African Conflict
Chair: Dr Heike Schmidt, Florida State University
Victoria Penziner* (Florida State University) - "Popularizing
Sudan: Violence and Conflict through English-Language"
Marianne Sarkis (Florida State University) - "The Use of Music
Videos, Films, and Popular Literature in Drawing"
Cassandra Mark (Florida State University) - "Masculinity and
Violence in Ishmael Beah's A Long Way Gone"
Session 029
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 318 - The Cyborg and the Stage: Intersections of Technology
and Performance in Contemporary Theater
Chair: Jay Gipson-King (Florida State University)
Jay Gipson-King (Florida State University) - "Politicizing the
Time Machine: Time, Technology, and the State in Howard Brenton's Hess is Dead"
Elizabeth Osborne (Florida State University) - Math, Science,
and Theatre: Chaos Rules in Stoppards ARCADIA
Kimi Johnson (Florida State University) - Cyborg Theatre: Multimedia
Narration in mark Medoff's GUNFIGHTER
Session 030
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 319 - Reconfiguring Race Beyond the Black-White Divide
Chair: Elvin Holt (Texas State University, San Marcos)
Elvin Holt (Texas State University, San Marcos) - Interrogating
Whiteness: Science and Racial Transformation in George Schuyler's
Black No More
Wayne Johns (Greensboro College) - Who is (the) Stranger? Race,
Gender, Fear, and Violence
Min-Jung Lee and Timothy Welch (Florida State University) - When
the American Warrior Meets the Chinese One: A New Type of Hero
is Born
Jonathan Grandage (Florida State University) - "'This Ain't Gringoland':
The Salvadoran Civil War in Oliver Stone's Salvador"
Session 031
February 2, 2008, Saturday
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Williams 320 - Time's Translations: Place, Genre, Character,
and Theme, Then and Now
Chair: Dick Gibson (Jacksonville University)
Dorothy Roberts (Queen's College) - Double Down in Cuba; Novels
on the Eve of Castro's Revolution: Graham Green's 1958 Our Man
in Havana and Mayra Montero's 2008 Dancing to Almendra
Carmen Burton (Palm Beach Community College) - Pyotr Petrovic
a Century Later: Dostoyevski's Crime and Punishment and R.J.
Morris's 2008 The Gentle Ax
Dick Gibson (Jacksonville University) - The Merchant of Venice,
Shakespeare's Comedy or Al Pacino's Tragedy? Modern Visions and
Revisions in the New Globe Theatre and Michael Radford's 2004
Mary Willingham (Mercer University) - Persistent Popularity:
The Evolution of the Children's Mystery Story from Enid Blyton
(Who?) to Nancy Drew to Harry Potter.
February 2, 2008, Saturday
6:00- 8:00 p.m.: DINNER
Dinner at discounted prices for participants at Lucy Ho's Restaurant
February 2, 2008, Saturday
8:30 p.m.: Florida State University Strozier Library, Book and
Art Display, featuring Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate, Professor of Chemistry, Florida State University, and the Strozier Library Special Collection on Superheroes.
Also featuring other scientist-artists, or artists whose work
converges with the theme: Nature - Science Facts, Science Fiction - Science Fantasy Reception starting at 8:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public; it is set from 8:30-10 p.m.
Introductory Remarks: Professor Hans S. Plendl
Optional Entertainment: A cash bar and music for dancing has been booked at the Arthur Murray Studio for an after-dinner social gathering from 10:30 p.m.till midnight.
Session 032
This session is open to the public
February 3, 2008, Sunday
HCB 101
9-10:30 a.m.: Dance and Video - Merging Theoretical and Aesthetic Components of Two Motion Arts
Chair: Tim Glenn, Florida State University
Panelists: Tim Glenn (Florida State University)
Andy Noble (Florida State University)
Dionne Noble (Florida State University)
Blythe Barton (Florida State University)
Session 033
This session is open to the public, and co-sponsored by Railroad Square and the 621 Gallery.
February 3, 2008, Sunday
HCB 101
Behind the Scenes of Contemporary Dance Choreography: Documentary and Dance By the Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography (MANCC) and the FSU Department of Dance Featuring Jennifer Calienes and Shinsuke Fukamachi
Introduced by Valliere Richard (Florida State University)
Sunday, February 3,
HCB 101, FSU campus
10:45-a.m.-12:15 p.m.
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