Human Rights and
the Body in Law and the Humanities Fall 2002 Lecture: 12:20 - 1:10 PM, MWF, Williams 225 Screenings: 6:45 - 9:30 PM, W, Williams 121-B
Description (Inclusive of Human Rights Content and Methodology): This course aims to use an interdisciplinary approach, inclusive of law, literature, critical theory and film, in order to examine evolving characterizations of international human rights and of the legal and political instruments designed for their protection, both in official legal and political documents, as well as fictional and documentary interpretations in literature and film. A key theme running through the course is an examination of how the international human body is configured in various texts: through United Nations reports on human rights; critical legal analyses; documentary films; fictional novels, and popular films. After studying the
theoretical and philosophical foundations of the idea of human rights in various
civilizations and cultures, this course attempts to evaluate the legacy of human rights
within both western and non-western traditions. This course also aims critically to
examine the meaning and relevance of human rights in dealing with major issues in the
contemporary world, such as torture, political repression, war crimes and genocide,
refugees, womens rights, childrens rights, violations of human rights within
the U.S., and in a more specific case, the plight of immigrant women and children as
described in the 1998 U.S. Violence Against Women Act. Main Page | Syllabus | Timeline | Films | Strozier Holocaust Films Collection | Slides | Staff | Resources For permission to reproduce
content on this site, contact Kay
Picart |