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Style (http://www.bartleby.com/141/index.html) Literature and Film Resources Isabel Allendes The House of Spirits Bibliography and Reference Allende, Isabel. Current Biography 49 (2) (Feb. 1988) 3. Riquelme Rojas, Sonia and Edna Aguirre Rehbein. Critical Approaches to Isabel Allende's Novels. New York : P. Lang, 1991. Tayko, Gail. Teaching Isabel Allende's La casa de los espiritus." College Literature 19 (3) (Oct.-Feb. 1992) 228. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Criticism Allende, Isabel. "Interview with Isabel Allende." Democracy Now!Pacifica Network News. September 10, 1999. (Listen Real Audio at Democracy Now!) Foreman, P. Gabrielle. "Past-on Stories: History and the Magically Real, Morrison and Allende On Call." Feminist Studies 18 (2) (Summer 1992) 369. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Jenkins, Ruth Y. Authorizing Female Voice and Experience: Ghosts and Spirits in Kingston's The Woman Warrior and Allende's The House of the Spirits. MELUS 19 (3) (Fall 1994) 61. 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Chaos Versus Contingency Theory, Epistemological Issues in Orwell 1984. Mosaic 26 (1) (Win 1993) 109-120. Rose J. The Invisible Sources of 1984. Journal of Popular Culture 26 (1) (Sum 1992) 93-107. Kellner D. Current Perspectives in Social Theory 10 (1990) 223-252. Mcinnis RG. Orwell,George 1984 in the Communist World. East European Quarterly 21 (3) (1987) 345-353. Amenta E. "Compromising Possessions - Orwell Political, Analytical, and Literary Purposes in 1984. Politics & Society 15 (2) (1986) 157-188. Macey SL. Orwell,George 1984 - The Future That Becomes the Past. English Studies in Canada 11 (4) (1985) 450-458. Gregory MW. "An Act-of-Faith, Orwell,George Socialist Thought and 1984. South Atlantic Quarterly 84 (4) (1985). Filmer K. That Hideous 1984 - The Influence of Lewis,C.S. That Hideous Strength on Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four. Extrapolation 26 (2) (1985). Khouri N. Reaction and Nihilism - The Political Genealogy of Orwell 1984. Science-Fiction Studies 12 (Jul 1985). Williams C. Psychology and Orwell 1984. Australian Psychologist 20 (1) (1985). Freedman C. Antinomies of 1984 Orwell,George Futuristic Novel. Modern Fiction Studies 30 (4) (1984). Thorp MR. The Dynamics of Terror in Orwell 1984. Brigham Young University Studies 24 (1) (1984). Good G. "Ingsoc-in-Relation-to-Chess - Reversible Opposites in Orwell 1984. Novel-a Forum on Fiction 18 (1) (1984). Sharrock R. 1984 and the Rupture of Desire. Essays in Criticism 34 (4) (1984). Glenny M. Orwell 1984 Through Soviet Eyes. Index on Censorship 13 (4) (1984). Kunert G. What Orwell Did Not Foresee - 1984 and After. World Literature Today 58 (2) (1984). Barr MS. Special Issue - Oh Well, Orwell - Big Sister Is Watching Herself - Feminist Science-Fiction in 1984. Womens Studies International Forum 7 (2) (1984). Aldiss BW. The Downward Journey, Orwell 1984. Extrapolation 25 (1) (1984). Bellvillada GH. 1984 - Looking Backward at Orwell Novel of the 1940s. Monthly Review-An Independent Socialist Magazine 36 (1) (1984). Feder L. "Selfhood, Language, and Reality, Orwell, George 1984. Georgia Review 37 (2) (1983). Hester E. "Gamesmanship and Androcentrism in Orwell 1984 - Comment. PMLA 98 (2) (1983). Patai D. "Gamesmanship and Androcentrism in Orwell 1984 - Reply PMLA 98 (2) (1983). General Films Death and the Maiden, Roman Polanski, dir., 1994. Pizzello, Stephen. Death and the Maiden: Trial by Candlelight. American Cinematographer 76 (Apr. 1995) 56-8. Porton, Richard. Death and the Maiden. Cineaste 21 (1/2) (Feb. 1995) 104. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Klawans, Stuart. Death and the Maiden. The Nation 260 (3) (Jan 23 1995) 107. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Polanski, Roman. A Matter of Perception: Interview with Film Director Roman Polanski. Index on Censorship 24 (6) (Nov-Dec 1995) 84. Horne, P. Death and the Maiden. TLS- Times Literary Supplement 4806 (May 12 1995) 16. James, Caryn. A Political Fable in Thriller's Clothing. New York Times 12/23/94, Vol. 144, pC3, 1bw (View HTML Full Text in Lexis Nexis) Death and the Maiden. New York Times 6/30/95, Vol. 144, pB2(N) pD18(L), col 3. Brown, Georgia. Arms and the Woman. Village Voice 39 (51) (Dec 20 1994) 60. Card, Claudia. Rape as a Weapon of War. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 11 (4) (Fall 1996) 5-18. Crnkovic, Gordana. Death and the Maiden. Film Quarterly 50 (3) (Spring 1997) 39. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Death and the Maiden. Rolling Stone 700 (Jan 26 1995) 68. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Pawelczak, Andy. Death and the Maiden. Films in Review 46 (5-6) (Jul/Aug 1995) 54. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Thompson, David. Death and the Maiden. Sight & Sound 5 (4) (Apr 1995) 6. James, Nick. Death and the Maiden. Sight & Sound 5 (4) (Apr 1995) 40. Sterritt, David. Freeze Frames. Christian Science Monitor 87 (43) (Jan 27 1995) 14. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Johnson, Brian D. Tortured Souls. Maclean's 108 (5) (Jan 30 1995) 87. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis)
Judgment at Nuremberg, Stanley Kramer, dir., 1961. Bond, Jeff. The Rykos Resurrection: Judgment at Nuremberg. Film Score Monthly 3 (8) (September 1998) 43. Satterwhite, Dexter. Justice at Nuremberg: National Justice on Trial. Clio's Eye Spring 2001. (Clio's Eye) Lambert, Gavin Judgment at Nuremberg. Film Quarterly 15 (2) (Winter 1961/1962) 51. Clarke, Arthur B. Judgment at Nuremberg. Films in Review 13 (1) (Jan. 1962) 39. Crowther, Bosley. Judgment at Nuremberg. The New York Times December 20, 1961. Judgment at Nuremberg. Variety October 18, 1961. David Platt. Celluloid power: Social Film Criticism From the Birth of a Nation to Judgment at Nuremberg. (Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1992). Paul Bergman and Michael Asimow. Reel Justice. (Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1996). Marlette Rebhorn. Screening America. (New York: P. Lang, 1988). Balfour Brickner. Study Guide to the Film Judgment at Nuremberg. (New York: Commission on Interfaith Activities and the Commission on Social Action, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1960) Carver, Anne. Colonel Blimp versus Judgment at Nuremberg. In: Gortschacher, Wolfgang (ed.). Modern War on Stage and Screen (Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1997) 509-22. Bach, S. Marlene Dietrich: Life and Legend. Communication Abstracts 24 (2) (2001) 155-296. White, Armond. Role model. Film Comment 36 (3) (May/June 2000) 30-2. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Lyman, Rick. Stanley Kramer, Filmmaker With Social Bent, Dies at 87. New York Times, 02/21/2001, Vol. 150 Issue 51671, pA1 (View HTML Full Text in Lexis Nexis) Cassel Jr., Douglass W. Judgment at Nuremberg: A Half-century Appraisal. Christian Century 112 (35) (Dec. 6 1995) 1180. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Walzer, Michael. Judgment Days. The New Republic 217 (24) (Dec 15 1997) 13. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Shnayerson, Robert. Judgment at Nuremberg. Smithsonian 27(7) (Oct 1996) 124. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Marrus, Michael R. The Nuremberg Trial: Fifty Years After. The American Scholar 66 (Autumn 1997) 563-70. (View HTML Full Text in WilsonSelectPlus) House of Spirits, Bille August, dir., 1993. Anderson, Pat. The House of the Spirits. Films in Review 45 (7-8) (July-August 1994) 55. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) House of Spirits. The New York Times. August 19 1994, v143, pB8(N) pD17(L), col 6) Simon, John. The House of the Spirits. National Review May 16 1994, v46, n9, p70(2) (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Kauffmann, Stanley. The House of the Spirits. The New Republic 210 (18) (May 2 1994) 28. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Buck, Joan Juliet. The House of the Spirits. Vogue 184 (5) (May 1994) 153. Lipman, Amanda. The House of the Spirits. Sight and Sound 4 (4) (April 1994) 43. Schickel, Richard. The House of the Spirits. Time 143 (16) (April 18 1994) 73. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Powers, John. The House of the Spirits. New York 27 (15) (April 11 1994) 56. Ansen, David. The House of the Spirits. Newsweek 123 (15) (April 11 1994) 74. Johnson, Brian D. The House of the Spirits. Maclean's 107 (15) (April 11 1994) 69. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Maslin, Janet. The House of the Spirits. The New York Times; April 1 1994, v143, pB1(N) pC1(L), col 3) (View HTML Full Text in Lexis Nexis) Travers, Peter. The House of the Spirits. Rolling Stone; March 10 1994, n677, 60(1)) McCarthy, Todd. The House of the Spirits. Variety 353 (9) (Jan 3 1994) 53. Johnson, Brian D. Irons Mines a New Vein. Maclean's 107 (15) (April 11 1994) 68. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Provan, Sarah. The Shooting of Spirits. Europe 327 (June 1993) 41. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Beloved, Jonathan Demme, dir., 1998. Wilmington, Michael. Beloved. Film Comment 34 (6) (Nov 1998) 79-80. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Tibbetts JC. Oprah's belabored
'Beloved'. Literature-Film Quarterly 27 (1) (1999) 74-76. Hudson-Weems, Clenora. Beloved: From Novel to Movie. The Western Journal of Black Studies 23 (3) (Fall 1999) 203. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Davis, Natalie Zemon. Slaves on Screen: Film and Historical Vision. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2000. O'Sullivan, Charlotte, Beloved. Sight & Sound 9 (3) (Mar. 1999) 34-7. "Enough About Slavery." Time (Nov 2, 1998) 56. Pinkerton, James P. "A Cultural Salvo, Not a True Epic." Los Angeles Times (Sun, Oct 15, 1998) b9, col 3, 14 col in. Mitchell, Elvis. Desires That Fall Between the Chasm of Head and Heart. The New York Times Feb 4 2000, B16(N) pE16(L), col 1. Brazil, Terry Gilliam, dir., 1985. Hearst, Andrew. Gilding the Lemon. Civilization 6 (6) (Dec 1999/Jan 2000) 35. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Atkinson, Michael. Bravo New Worlds. Village Voice 63 (35) (Sept. 01 1998) 114. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Fister, Barbara. Mugging for the Camera: Narrative Strategies in Brazil. Literature Film Quarterly 24 (3) (1996) 288. (View HTML Full Text in WilsonSelectPlus) (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Nichols, Peter M. With Video, `Cut!' Needn't Be the Director's Final Word. New York Times, 4/14/96, Vol. 145 Issue 50397, Section 2 p15. (View HTML Full Text in Lexis Nexis) Brazil. Sight & Sound (Sup. Cloning The Future) 6 (11) (Nov 1996) 18. Jack Mathews; Terry Gilliam; Tom Stoppard; Charles McKeown. The Battle of Brazil. (New York, NY: Huntington, Cambs: Applause Books 1987) Gilliam, Terry, Charles Alverson and Bob McCabe. Brazil: The Evolution of the 54th Best British Film Ever Made. (London : Orion, 2001). Glass, S. F. Brazil. Film Quarterly 39 (4) (1986) 22-28. Rubenstein, L. Brazil. Cineaste 14 (4) (1986) 48-49. Rushdie, S. The Location of Brazil. American Film 10 (10) (1985). Aldersey-Williams, Hugh. Through a Lens Weirdly: Interview with Terry Gilliam. Graphis 316 (July/Aug. 1998) 96-101. Pizzello, Stephen. Unholy Grail. American Cinematographer 79 (5) (May 1998) 42-7. (View HTML Full Text in WilsonSelectPlus) Williams, Linda Ruth. Dream Girls and Mechanic Panic: Dystopia and Its Others in Brazil and Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Hunter, I. Q. (ed.) British Science Fiction Cinema (London, England: Routledge 1999) 153-68. Voigts-Virchow, Eckart. The Lord of the Files- Carnivalising Dystopia (Nineteen Eighty-Four) in Terry Gilliam's Brazil. In: Goetsch, Paul and Scheunemann, Dietrich (ed.) Text und Ton im Film (Tubingen, Germany: Narr, 1997) 265-84. Rogers, Richard A. 1984 to Brazil: From the Pessimism of Reality to the Hope of Dreams. Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1) (Jan 1990) 34-46. Boyd, Katrina G. Pastiche and Postmodernism in Brazil. Cinefocus 1 (1) (Jan 1990) 33-42. Staiger, Janet. Future Noir: Contemporary Representations of Visionary Cities. East-West Film Journal 3 (1) (Dec 1988) 20-44. Geduld, Harry M. Brazil. The Humanist 46 (May/June 1986) 39-40. Jones, Alan. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame: Brazil. Film Review Special 25 (1999) 20-21. Kauffmann, Stanley. Brazil. The New Republic 194 (Feb 17 1986) 26. Kopkind, Andrew. Brazil. The Nation 242 (Feb 15 1986) 185. Kael, Pauline. Brazil. The New Yorker 61 (Feb 10 1986) 108. Pearson, Ian. Brazil. Maclean's 99 (Feb 10 1986) 74. (View HTML Full Text in Lexis Nexis) Corliss, Richard. Brazil. Time 126 (Dec 30 1985) 84. (View HTML Full Text in WebLuis) Forrest, Judi. Brazil Nuts: Terry Gilliam's Wham. Vogue 175 (Feb 1985) 78. The Handmaids Tale, Volke Schlöndorff, dir., 1990. Crosstalk: Margaret Atwood, in Conversation with Victor-Levy Beaulieu on Tyranny, Taboos and Making Movies. The Canadian Forum 77 (869) (May 1998) 18. Hodenfield, Jan. It's in the Blood. American Film 15 (6) (March 1990) 36. Johnson, Brian D. Hollywood Meets the New Europe. Maclean's 103 (9) (Feb 26 1990) 38. Johnson, Brian D. Fascism's Handmaid. Maclean's 103 (9) (Feb 26 1990) 42. Johnson, Brian D. Uphill Battle. Maclean's 103 (9) (Feb 26 1990) 43. Johnson, Brian D. Returning to a New Berlin. Maclean's 103 (9) (Feb 26 1990) 44. Resisting the Latest Temptation. Christianity Today 34 (6) (April 9 1990) 56. Bird, Nathaniel. Film Reviews. Films in Review 41 (6-7) (Jun/Jul90) 368. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Bawer, B. Men and Their Vessels. American Spectator 23 (5) (May 1990) 36. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) The Handmaid's Tale. Humanist 50 (3) (May/Jun90) 25. Klawans, S. Nation 250 (13) (4/2/90) 466. Agee, J. Brave New World, Feminist Style. Newsweek 115 (13) (3/26/90) 54. (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) The Handmaid's Tale. Magill Book Reviews (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) Faye Dunaway Co-stars in The Handmaid's Tale. New York Times, 3/7/90, Vol. 139 Issue 48167, pC1 The Trial, David Hugh Jones, dir., 1993; Tanner, Louise. David Jones. Films in Review v. 38 (June/July 1987) 359-61. Josipovici, Gabriel. "The Trial." The Times Literary Supplement no4710 (July 9 '93) 19. Lang, Julie. Village Voice. "The Trial." 11/30/93 38 Issue 48. Tarrago, Paul, reviewer. "The Trial." Sight & Sound v. 3 (July '93) 53-4. Lev, Peter. "Three Adaptations of The Trial." Literature/Film Quarterly 12 (3) (1984) 180-185. Connolly, Jeanne. "The Trial." Pinter Review: Annual Essays (1994) 84-88. Karl, Frederick R. "Comments on Harold Pinter's Adaptation of Franz Kafka's The Trial." Pinter Review: Annual Essays (1994) 76-83. Kane, Leslie "Peopling the Wound: Harold Pinter's Screenplay for Kafka's The Trial." Cycnos 14 (1) (1997) 145-59. Gillen, Francis "Harold Pinter on The Trial." The Pinter Review: Annual Essays (1992-1993) 61-62. Gillen, Francis "From Novel to Film: Harold Pinter's Adaptation of The Trial." In: Burkman, Katherine H. (ed.)--Kundert-Gibbs, John L. (ed.) Pinter at Sixty. Indiana UP, Bloomington 1993 137-48. (View HTML Full Text in netLibrary) Orr, John "The Trial of Franz Kafka." In: Orr, John (ed.)--Nicholson, Colin (ed.) Cinema and Fiction: New Modes of Adapting, 1950-90. Edinburgh UP, Edinburgh 1992. 13-27. Faletti, Heidi E. "Contrasting Distortions: The Trial as Novel and Film." In: Radcliff-Umstead, Douglas. Transformations: From Literature to Film. Romance Langs. Dept., Kent State Univ., Kent, 1987. Hines, Thomas "The Trouble with Ambiguity: Franz Kafka's Novels The Trial and The Castle into Film" In: Radcliff-Umstead, Douglas. Transformations: From Literature to Film. Romance Langs. Dept., Kent State Univ., Kent, 1987. 156-164. A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick, dir., 1971; Falsetto, Mario. Perspectives on Stanley Kubrick. New York: G.K. Hall & Company, 1996. Brett, Anwar "Classic Re-Release: A Clockwork Orange." Film Review :593 (May 2000) 88-89. Chapman, James. "'A Bit of the Old Ultra-Violence': A Clockwork Orange." In: Hunter, I. Q. (ed. and introd.) British Science Fiction Cinema; Routledge, London, England 1999. 128-37 O'Keefe, Vincent A. "The 'Truth' about Reading: Interpretive Instability in the Evolution of Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange." Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy 41, (1999 Spring) 31-53. Schindler, Arlene "A Clockwork Orange: Novel vs. Film." Creative Screenwriting 6 (4) (1999 July-Aug) 38-41. Nemecek, Maureen "From Aesthesia to Anesthesia: Three Decades of Violence in Film." In: Wright, Will (ed. and introd.)--Kaplan, Steven (ed. and introd.) The Image of Violence in Literature, the Media, and Society; Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, CO 1995. 168-73. Sobchack, Vivian C. "Decor as Theme: A Clockwork Orange." Literature/Film Quarterly 9 (2) (1981) 92-102. Switzer, Judith A. "The Utopian Vision in Kubrick's 2001 and A Clockwork Orange." In: Walther, Maud; 260 pp.; Purdue University Fifth Annual Conference on Film; Dept. of Foreign Langs. & Lits., West Lafayette 37-44. Elsaesser, Thomas "Screen Violence: Emotional Structure and Ideological Function in A Clockwork Orange." In: Bigsby, C. W. E. Approaches to Popular Culture. Arnold, London. 171-200. Gilbert, Basil "Kubrick's Marmalade: The Art of Violence." Meanjin 33, (1974) 157-62. Isaacs, Neil D. "Unstuck in Time: Clockwork Orange and Slaughterhouse-Five." Literature/Film Quarterly 1 (1973) 122-31. Dimeo, Steven "The Ticking of an Orange." Riverside Quarterly 5 (1973) 318-21. McCracken, Samuel "Novel into Film; Novelist into Critic: A Clockwork Orange Again." The Antioch Review 32 (1973) 427-36. Fiore, Peter A. "Milton and Kubrick: Eden's Apple or a Clockwork Orange." CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association 35 (2) (1973) 14-17. Auduraud, C. "A Clockwork Orange." POSITIF 439 (SEP 1997) 96-98. Amiel, V. "A Clockwork Orange" POSITIF 439 (SEP 1997) 94-95. French, P. A Clockwork Orange From Burgess to Kubrick to RSC. Sight and Sound 59 (2) (1990) 84-87. Jackson, Kevin. "Real Horrorshow: A Short Lexicon of Nadsat." Sight & Sound 9 (9) (Sept. 1999) 24-7. Adams, Doug. Making the World Safe for Synths: Three Albums by Wendy Carlos: A Clockwork Orange. Film Score Monthly 4 (3) (March 1999) 22. LoBrutto, Vincent. "The Old Ultra-Violence." American Cinematographer 80 (10) (Oct. 1999) p. 52-6. (View HTML Full Text in WilsonSelectPlus) Jones, Alan. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame: A Clockwork Orange. Film Review Special :25 [1999] 22-23. Hunin, Bernard. Documentaires et reportages: "Anthony Burgess «La mécanique de l'orange»" ("Un siècle d'écrivains") ** Documentaries and reports: "Anthony Burgess «A Clockwork Orange»" ("Un siècle d'écrivains"). CinémAction :87 (January-April 1998) 162-163. Burgess, Jackson. A Clockwork Orange. Film Quarterly 25:3 (Spring 1972) 33. Clockwork Orange. Films in Review 23:1 (Jan. 1972) 51. Film Quarterly 30 (Fall 1976) 13-19. Carruthers, Susan. "Past Future: The Troubled History of Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange." National Forum 81 (2) (Spring 2001) 29 (View HTML Full Text in EbscoHost) New York Times, (Dec. 20, 1971), p. 44. New York Times, (Jan. 9, 1972), Sect. II, p. 1. New York Times, (Feb. 6, 1972), Sect. II, p. 13. New York Times, (Feb. 13, 1972), Sect. II, p. 1. New Yorker, v47 (Jan. 1, 1971), pp: 50-3. Sight and Sound 41 (Winter 1971/1972), 44-6. Petley, Julian; Chabrol, Claude. "Clockwork Crimes." (censoring 'A Clockwork Orange')(includes related article on film violence) Index on Censorship 24 (6) (Nov-Dec, 1995) 48. Village Voice (review), (Dec. 30, 1971), p49. 1984, Michael Radford, dir., 1984. Crespi A. An Interview With Radford,Michael on Orwell 1984. Cineforum 24 (12) (1984). Alion Y. A Conversation with Film Director Radford, Michael on the Filming of 1984. Revue du Cinema 401 (1985). Dadoun, R. 1984 Positif 286 (1984). Joyeux, D. Portrait of Winston-Smith, Character of Radford 1984 Played by Hurt, John. Cahiers du Cinema 365 (1984). Chaillet, JP. An English Man and Europe. Cahiers du Cinema 365 (1984). Chevrie, M. 1984 Cahiers du Cinema 365 (1984). Barrowclough S. 1984. History Today 34 (Dec 1984). Gauthier, G. 1984. Revue du Cinema 399 (1984). Haskell, Molly. 1984. Vogue 175 (Mar. '85) 96. Nangle, John. 1984. Films in Review 36 (Apr. '85) 246. Forbes, Jill, 1984. Sight & Sound 54 (Winter '84/'85) 64. Gottlieb, Erika. The Satirical Masks of Utopia and Dystopia: A Discussion of the Two Film Versions of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. Texas Review 16 (1-4) (1995) 83-94. Ellis, J. B. Nineteen Eighty-Four and 1984. In: Orr, John (ed.)--Nicholson, Colin (ed.). Cinema and Fiction: New Modes of Adapting, 1950-90 (1992). Werblad, A. '1984. Kosmorama 30 (169) (1984). Joyeux, D ; Hurt J. The Story of How 1984 by Orwell George Became a Film and an Interview with Hurt John. Kosmorama 30 (169) (1984). Main Page | Syllabus | Timeline | Films | Strozier Holocaust Films Collection | Slides | Staff | Resources For
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