![]() |
.. | Syllabus
1. To introduce students to the vast resources of rhetorical theory and criticism, in relation to themes of gender, race, nation and embodiment;
2. To develop a vocabulary for how rhetorical theory and criticism, broadly construed, creates a “politics of the gaze”—that is, focusing on the issues of whose view or story is authorized or not, whose body is the subject or object, and on what grounds; 3. To examine the rhetorical, political, social and historical nature of science and technology, with a particular focus on the porous borders of “fact” and “fiction”
4. To improve students’ fundamental writing skills, and skills of listening, argumentation and oral delivery, in critical and literary analysis through discussion, written assignments, reports, drafts and final papers
5. To sharpen students’ writing, thinking and research skills necessary to communicate these forms of analysis. The course will culminate in drafts and final papers that have a critical, rather than descriptive, focus, with a clear and strong thesis, persuasively developed and coherently articulated proof, mature syntax and diction, and proper documentation of all borrowed sources.
6. To reinforce MLA or APA research techniques (i.e., parenthetical documentation and correct bibliographical form) as to avoid plagiarism; no other research format is acceptable so as to provide for uniform documentation
7. To enhance student vocabularies, given the interdisciplinary and theory-oriented nature of the course; students are encouraged to use their dictionaries frequently as they read the texts.
The website, http://english3.fsu.edu/~kpicart/rhetoric is a purely virtual version of this course, a companion to the text, provides a backbone of lectures that will enhance the understanding of how the materials flow together. This course will employ principally a lecture and discussion format, and will integrate the effective use of technology (e.g., Blackboard, PowerPoint, videos, DVDs, when relevant). To fulfill the requirements of this course, you should sign up for a garnet or mailer account by going to: http://register.acns.fsu.edu/CARS/studentreg.html. If you already have a garnet or mailer account, and are registered properly for the course, then when you go to http://campus.fsu.edu (note: a new browser window will open) and log into the course number and section. Using your garnet or mailer accounts and passwords, you should be able to access all information on the course that is available via the Blackboard shell. Note that to fulfill the requirements necessary to not only pass, but do well in the course, you will need to learn the essentials of Blackboard as soon as possible. The essentials, other than registering, entail learning how to use threaded conversations; checking for possible “Assignment” or “Library” PowerPoint posts and “Announcements,” and checking posted grades. There are other additional features you may use but I will keep the use of Blackboard to the essentials as much as I can.
Note: There are suggested films that come with some sections; when it is possible, a room will be booked to enable you to watch these films, knowledge of which will be tested for through threaded conversation posts. Viewing at these times is optional, but you are responsible for viewing these films on your own if you miss them.
Required Texts:[top]
Books marked with * are available at Strozier Library, all others can be found at Bill's or the FSU bookstore.
The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience
by Vivian Sobchack *
• Paperback: 354 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.87 x 9.25 x 6.10
• Publisher: Princeton University Press; (December 3, 1991)
• ISBN: 0691008744America by Jean Baudrillard, Chris Turner *
• Paperback: 200 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.46 x 7.98 x 7.94
• Publisher: Verso; Reprint edition (October 1, 1989)
• ISBN: 0860919781Crossing: A Memoir by Deirdre N. McCloskey *
• Paperback: 266 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.65 x 8.93 x 5.98
• Publisher: University of Chicago Press; (September 1, 2000)
• ISBN: 0226556697Discipline and Punishment by Michael Foucault
• Publisher: New York: Vintage Books (1995)*Has Feminism Changed Science? by Londa Schiebinger *
• Paperback: 272 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.71 x 9.26 x 6.16
• Publisher: Harvard University Press; (April 1, 2001)
• ISBN: 0674005449The Male Body: A New Look at Men in Public and in Private
by Susan Bordo *
• Paperback: 368 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.99 x 8.27 x 5.45
• Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux; (June 1, 2000)
• ISBN: 0374527326The Medium is the Massage
by Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore *
• Paperback: 160 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.53 x 7.00 x 4.20
• Publisher: Gingko Press; (June 2001)
• ISBN: 1584230703Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings *Electronic Format
by ThomasBaldwin, MauriceMerleau-Ponty
ISBN: 0415315875
Format: Paperback, 384pp
Pub. Date: February2004Publisher: RoutledgeThe Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences
by Michel Foucault *
• Paperback: 416 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.93 x 7.96 x 5.22
• Publisher: Vintage Books USA; Reissue edition (April 1, 1994)
• ISBN: 0679753354Pandora's Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies
by Bruno Latour *
• Paperback: 324 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.86 x 9.20 x 6.12
• Publisher: Harvard University Press; (June 1, 1999)
• ISBN: 067465336XPasswords by Jean Baudrillard, Chris Turner (Translator) *
• Paperback: 120 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.34 x 7.64 x 7.68
• Publisher: Verso; (November 13, 2003)
• ISBN: 1859844634The Persistence of History: Cinema, Television, and the Modern Event (Afi Film Readers) by Vivian Sobchack *
• Paperback: 288 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.58 x 9.18 x 6.04
• Publisher: Routledge; (March 1, 1996)
• ISBN: 0415910846Primate Visions by Donna Haraway
• Publisher: New York: Routledge (1989)*Resentment and "the Feminine" in Nietzsche's Politico-Aesthetics
by C. Picart *
• Paperback
• Publisher: Penn State University Press, University Park, PA: 1999
• ISBN: 0-271-01889-5Revealing Male Bodies
by Nancy Tuana, William Cowling, Maurice Hamington, Greg Johnson, Terrance Macmullen *
• Library Binding: 352 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.11 x 9.70 x 6.46
• Publisher: Indiana University Press; (December 1, 2001)
• ISBN: 025333991XThe Rhetoric of Economics (Rhetoric of the Human Sciences)
by Deirdre N. McCloskey *
• Paperback: 223 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.55 x 8.92 x 5.97
• Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press; 2nd edition (May 1, 1998)
• ISBN: 0299158144Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society
by Bruno Latour *
• Paperback: 287 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.63 x 8.92 x 5.96
• Publisher: Harvard University Press; Reprint edition (October 1, 1988)
• ISBN: 0674792912Simians, Cyborgs, Women by Donna Haraway
• Publisher: New York: Routledge (1991)*Simulacra and Simulation (The Body, in Theory : Histories of Cultural Materialism)
by Jean Baudrillard, Sheila Faria Glaser
• Paperback: 176 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.45 x 9.04 x 5.32
• Publisher: University of Michigan Press; (December 1, 1994)
• ISBN: 0472065211
Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body
by Susan Bordo *
• Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.95 x 9.01 x 6.06
• Publisher: University of California Press; Reprint edition (March 1, 1995)
• ISBN: 0520088832
Supplementary Texts:[top]
Books marked with * are available at Strozier Library, all others can be found at Bill's or the FSU bookstore.
Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture
by Vivian Sobchack, Univ of California Pr
• Paperback: 320 pages
• Publisher: University of California Press; (November 1, 2004)
• ISBN: 0520241290The Cinematic Body (Theory Out of Bounds, Vol 2)
by Steven Shaviro
• Paperback: 276 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.72 x 10.04 x 7.05
• Publisher: University of Minnesota Press; (June 1, 1993)
• ISBN: 0816622949
Feminism and Science: And Other Lasting Lessons I Learned in Catholic Schools
NancyTuana (Editor)*
•Paperback, 272pp
•Publisher: Indiana University Press Edition Number: 1, October1990
•ISBN: 0253205255The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche *
• Paperback: 396 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.89 x 7.30 x 4.36
• Publisher: Vintage Books USA; 1st edition (October 1, 1974)
• ISBN: 0394719859The Genealogy of Morals (Dover Thrift Editions)
by Friedrich Nietzsche, Horace Barnett Samuel
• Paperback: 118 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.34 x 8.24 x 5.20
• Publisher: Dover Publications; Dover Thri edition (April 1, 2003)
• ISBN: 0486426912Primate Visions: Gender, Race and Nature in the World of Modern Science
by Donna Haraway *
• Paperback: 486 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.44 x 9.96 x 6.99
• Publisher: Routledge; Reprint edition (September 1, 1990)
• ISBN: 0415902940Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature
by Donna J. Haraway *
• Paperback: 287 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.79 x 9.22 x 6.16
• Publisher: Routledge; (March 1, 1991)
• ISBN: 0415903874Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize With a Hammer (Oxford World's Classics) by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Duncan Large *
• Paperback: 124 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.46 x 7.70 x 5.28
• Publisher: Oxford University Press; New Ed edition (May 1, 1998)
• ISBN: 0192831380
Attendance Policy:[top]
Students are encouraged to attend every class in order to benefit from
the lecture as well as the class discussion. However, if class must be
missed, a legitimate reason (illness, etc.), with proper documentation,
must be presented to the instructor. After three (3) unexcused absences
students will be penalized and face a half a letter grade dropped from
the final grade upon each additional absence. Two latenesses (which mean
if your name is called during the roll and you are not in the classroom,
you are late) constitute one unofficial absence; this means 6 latenesses
constitute the same thing as three unexcused absences. Note that there
is no make-up work for classes missed; requirements due then must be submitted
on time, or ahead, through e-mail. My e-mail is: kpicart@english.fsu.edu
According to university policy, students who accumulate more than two
weeks’ worth of absences are in danger of failing
(that’s six MWF classes or four TTH classes); those who are involved
with university-sanctioned events (inclusive of, but not limited to athletics,
band, ROTC, academic honor societies, and nursing) may not be counted
absent on days scheduled as service work for the university. To be excused
on such days, obtain a signed statement on FSU letterhead, authorizing
such a schedule of projected absences, from your advisor, by the second
week of classes. This is the student’s responsibility;
without such a document, those absences will be counted. Documented illnesses
(get an authorized note from your physician or Thagard) will also be counted
as excused absences. In all these cases, however, the students are still
held responsible for work due that day and for all material covered, inclusive
of class announcements or if necessary, changes to the course calendar;
if a major requirement is due, such as a final paper, it is the
student’s responsibility to get the paper to the instructor either
ahead of time, or on the day itself, through e-mail (kpicart@english.fsu.edu).
No late work is acceptable. However, in this
class, you are allowed one free pass in terms of minor requirements such
as threaded conversation/e-mail posts; that is, I will cancel the lowest
chapter summary or e-mail post, which are submitted roughly every week.
Use this free pass wisely.
Academic Honor Code:[top]
The Florida State University General Bulletin contains an Honor Code that
is repeated verbatim in the Student Handbook. You are responsible for
knowing and conforming to it; in addition to the information listed in
the Handbook, you are also cautioned that:
1. If you take material that is not yours, from any source (inclusive of websites), and copy it into anything you submit, you are obligated to provide a footnote, endnote or parenthetical reference and works cited list at the end of the paper.
2. Material that is lifted verbatim from other texts must be placed in quotation marks or, in the case of anything longer than three sentences, blocked quotes, indicating its source, as in item # 1 above.
3. Material that is paraphrased must also be documented as in item # 1.
4. Persons who violate the Honor Code and any of the items above in any requirement, whether minor or major, will receive an “F” for the course.
Keep these in mind when you write your final papers. Remember
that cheating constitutes adequate justification for expulsion. When you
use a source (and your final paper will require at least 5 new sources
and 5 sources taken up in class, from a collection of sources, such as
books, articles, newspapers, web sources), these should be cited properly,
either as direct quotes, or as paraphrased material. You should use the
APA or MLA Style for citations, and be consistent throughout the paper.
Thus, contrary to students' beliefs, plagiarism isn't just a little thing. Any time you take someone else's words, ideas, or concepts, you must cite your source and give credit to the actual author. This is especially true for anything you pick from the web. Knowing the appropriate citation for your material is your responsibility.
Failure to cite your sources and give credit to the original author will be punishable to the extent your FSU Student Handbook provides for plagiarism. This can lead all the way up to expulsion from Florida State University. When in doubt, cite your source! For further information on plagiarism and the honor code, see: http://www.fsu.edu/Books/Student-Handbook/codes/honor.html.
ADA Statement:[top]
Students with documented disabilities needing academic accommodations
should, in the first week of class: 1.) Register with and provide documentation
to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) and 2.) Bring an authorized
letter from SDRC to the professor, indicating the need for academic accommodations,
if necessary. This and all other class materials are available in alternative
format, upon request. The instructors will do everything they can to ensure
fairness to everyone in class.
For further information, refer to: http://www.fsu.edu/~staffair/dean/StudentDisability/index.html.
Gordon Rule Requirement:[top]
Also, since this course is considered a Gordon Rule class, students must
obtain a C- or better in order to pass the Gordon Rule requirement. For
further information on these university policies, refer to the handbook
at http://www.fsu.edu/Books/Student-Handbook.
Required Assignments/Format:[top]
This course will employ a lecture and discussion format. Students are
required to come in, having read the required texts for the day, in order
to present and defend their opinions, as well as critique those of others
and pose clarifying questions; thus skills of listening and oral argumentation
are very much part of the course design.
After a number of sessions handled by Dr. Picart, the duty of giving a
brief summary and critique of some of the assigned texts for the day,
and of generating discussion, using a PowerPoint format, along other activities,
such as small group discussions, will be rotated among the students. Students
giving PowerPoint presentations are required to e-mail their presentations
to me (kpicart@english.fsu.edu) 24 hours before they are due to
report. On the day of the presentations, the presenters are required to
come in with a diskette version (just in case something goes wrong with
the web) and two hard copies of the PowerPoint in “hand-out”
format. AGAIN, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Ideally, as well, your work
on your PowerPoint presentation should help you create your draft and
final papers, which form the final requirements of the course.
The 25-30 minute student PowerPoint should feature:
1. The aims of the particular class session
2. Key terms/concepts and examples of them, featuring specific clips
3. A class outline, including an estimate of time allocations
4. An interactive activity, which is usually a student edition PowerPoint presentation that may incorporate a game, small group work, acting a skit, etc.
5. Guide questions for discussion
On the day of the presentation itself, come in with two PowerPoint hand-out copies (see below for instructions) to submit to me. One will be marked and returned to you; the other will be kept on file.
The items outlined above comprise the criteria for the evaluation of your work for this component, which comprises 20% of the total mark, with each component above equally weighted. Posting these PowerPoint presentations is a prerequisite to passing the course; failure to do so will result in failure. 20% of your total grade will come from this presentation. There are NO exceptions to this rule; you may switch teams (provided there are teams) and dates if you tell me ahead of time, and work out arrangements with each other. I will make sign-up arrangements available during the second week so you may think about which session/s you would like to sign up for, and with whom (if group arrangements are possible)..
In order to save on ink and paper, you may print out a “hand-out” version. Instructions for this are listed below. If it is easier for you, just print out an ordinary copy of the PowerPoint presentation and photocopy it to save ink.
PowerPoint Printing of Hand-Out Copies of PowerPoint Presentations:[top]
Here are the instructions for the best way to print out PowerPoint
I. From the web (You must have the PowerPoint program installed in your computer to do it this way)
1. Use Netscape to get to campus.fsu.edu.
2. After you log in and get to the course webpage, click to External Links.
3. Click on the PowerPoint presentation you would like to print out.
4. A window will open to ask if you would like to "save it to disk" or "run from the current location". For convenience's sake, click "run from current location." This will download and transfer the presentation to the PowerPoint program on your computer.
5. Go to "File" on the menu. Scroll down to "Print".
6. When the print menu pops up.
a. You can choose from "slides". This will print each
slide on a full page.
b. To save paper, you can choose to print as "handouts".
On a section on the right, you can choose how many slides you would like
on each page.
c. Also, there are checklist options at the bottom, I recommend
clicking "pure black and white" for clearer pictures on a black
and white printer.
d. When you are finished, click the "OK" button.
II. From the PowerPoint Program.
1. Click on the "my computer" icon.
2. Click on the icon representing where your file is saved (for example, if the PowerPoint presentation you wish to open is on your disk, click A:)
3. Click on the file in order to open.
4. Go to "File" on the menu. Scroll down to "Print".
5. When the print menu pops up.
a. You can choose from "slides". This will print each
slide on a full page.
b. To save paper, you can choose to print as "handouts".
On a section on the right, you can choose how many slides you would like
on each page.
c. Also, there are checklist options, I recommend clicking "pure
black and white" for clearer pictures on a black and white printer.
d. When you are finished, click the "OK" button.
Remember that threaded conversations (along with in class PowerPoint exercises comprise 30% of your total mark, with each post being worth 200 points) go on during weekends, from Fridays through Saturdays, midnight. Use a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words (double spaced within BB), again seeking to comment substantively on the PowerPoint presentations in relation to theoretical and practical issues in teaching the material to the class. Indicate the word count at the top of the post and make certain you double space the entry. If you do not indicate the total word count or double space, I will be forced to grade you one level lower; if you fail to do both, then you will be graded two levels lower. I will cancel two missed or the lowest scoring assignments/posts. Posts should be made in the general discussion board, so everyone has access to the material, and may comment on individual posts. Feedback on how you are doing (both in your presentations and BB threaded conversations) will be provided through BB and will be handed back to you in class. PowerPoint exercises, which are based on the student edition PowerPoints in your reader, will also be given as in-class small group quizzes (2 people per group). These may count from 100-200 points, depending on the scope and level of difficulty involved.
Draft and Final Paper Grading Criteria:[top]
Note: Your draft and final essay grade will be based on the following
criteria. Each category will be compiled of whole points; no partial points
will be given. All of these criteria are equally weighted.
1) Spelling Mechanics Structural Detail: These essays are to consist of 4-5 pages for the draft and 7-10 pages for the final paper, typewritten in a standard APA or MLA format, double-spaced, with 12 point font and 1 inch margins. If you use films, you must confer film credits (http://us.imbd.com) and spell the characters' and actors' names correctly. Your essay must have a clear thesis, which is to be followed by a series of arguments that support your thesis, using specific examples from texts.
2) Examples of Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, Critical Theory, Cultural
Studies and Sociology of Science: (quality and quantity): The essay must
make reference to and apply ideas found in at least five required
texts listed in the syllabus, and five new references, which you must
research on your own. You must illustrate the interrelations
of class, race, gender, embodiment and sexuality, where such is relevant.
3) Application or Contemporization: Explain fully in detail how textual
content and rhetorical mode of narration/persuasion/genre conventions
inform your thesis. You should ask, for example, what is the thematic
material or ideology of class, race, gender or sexuality in the selected
text/s and how does the form of the text (whether it be a film, a scientific
model, a painting, etc.) interact with, or enunciate, this theme or ideology?
How does, for example, the filmmaker or artist attempt to express ideas
and elicit emotional responses from spectators, using genre conventions?
In what ways does the text you have chosen to write about, whether artistic
or scientific, persuasively "address" an implied spectator by
reference to codes of class, race, gender or sexuality?
4) Synthesis of rhetorical theory and criticism, cultural studies, critical theory, and sociology of science theories: Evaluates the overall synthesis of ideas derived from the theories presented in the course readings and their relationship to the formal structuring of the selected texts, with an eye to both form and content.
5) Quality and creativity of thesis and arguments: Be specific in your arguments and try to avoid obvious or far-reaching statements. Creativity is assessed by your ability to often put unrelated ideas into a single conceptual framework and back these up with adequate and compelling proof.
Threaded Conversations Grading Criteria:[top]
In order to receive any grade higher than 40 points on a 100 point scale,
the student must meet the word limits set, which is between 250
to 500 words. At the top of the post, kindly indicate the word count and
double space your entries (hit enter twice at the end
of every line). To check your word count, in MSWORD use "Tools"
-> "Word Count" and look at the number after 'words.' Failure
to do so results in deductions to the next lower grade per omission (i.e.,
not having a word count moves you from an A to an A-; not double spacing,
on top of that, leaves you with a B+ as the highest mark possible).
93-100 points
The student shows detailed comprehension of the question and the material and provides a very clear argumentation. Proper English grammar and spelling are essential for this grade.
87-92 points
The student shows detailed comprehension of the question and the material
and provides for the most part a very clear argumentation. Proper English
grammar and spelling are essential.
80-86 points
The student shows detailed comprehension of the question and the material and provides a good argumentation. Very few spelling or grammar errors may occur.
73-79 points
The student shows average comprehension of the question and the material. There are either minor argumentation or spelling or grammar errors in the writing.
67-72 points
The student shows either problems with the comprehension of the question and/or the material and at times lacks adequate argumentation. Spelling/grammar errors may also be frequently present.
60-66 points
The student shows problems with the comprehension of the question and the material and lacks proper argumentation. Spelling and grammar errors are frequently present. There may also be a large amount of wordiness.
00-59 points
The student meets any of the following criteria:
- word count too low (compare the required word count set by your instructor(s)).
- not answering the question provided (i.e. writing about everything else,
but the
question asked).
- student has no grasp of the material.
- excessive spelling and grammar errors, including--but not limited to--frequent
incomplete sentences. You have access to a free writing center on campus
if you need help in improving your English.
- Student is caught plagiarizing: automatic 00 for that assignment. Further
consequences may follow!
- 00 points for not turning in an assignment on time.
Grading Scale:[top]
93-100% A
90-92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
79-77% C+
76-73% C
70-72% C-
69-67% D+
66-63% D
62-60% D-
59-0% F
Overall Evaluation:[top]
--Participation/Attendance 10%
--Student-led Discussion/s 25%
--Threaded Conversations/PowerPoint Exercises 25%
--First Draft of Final Paper 20%
--Final Paper 20%
Policies on Electronic Communication and Access to Information:[top]
The FSU internal networks and connections to the National Information
Infrastructure provide a wide range of facilities for communication between
individuals and for disseminating information and ideas. Electronic communication
and information resources will be increasingly important to University
faculty, staff, and students. The University supports open access to electronic
communication and information, as follows:
• Members of the University community may freely communicate and
access information on electronic networks.
• Material accessible to the FSU community through networks and
materials disseminated from FSU should not be restricted on the basis
of its content, nor because of the origin, background, or views of those
contributing to its creation (note: obscenity is not
protected by the First Amendment). University administrators, faculty,
and staff should challenge any attempts to censor electronic information
sources. Members of the University community should use information resources
responsibly and considerately, in accordance with the following guidelines:
• The computing and network resources of the University may not
be used to impersonate another person or misrepresent authorization to
act on behalf of others or the University.
• The computing and network resources of the University may not
be used to harass another person. Users should not transmit to others
or display images, sounds, or messages that might be perceived by a reasonable
person as, or have been identified as, harassing. (See the University
policies on sexual harassment and the Student Conduct Codes, section 9.c.3.)
Owners of computer accounts are responsible for all use of the accounts. They should follow guidelines to prevent unauthorized use by others, and report intrusions to the system administrators. The University cannot guarantee that, in all instances, copies of critical data will be retained on University systems. It is ultimately the responsibility of computer users to obtain secure, backup copies of essential files for disaster recovery.
VIOLATIONS: Violations of computer and network policy as outlined in
this document will be considered on a case-by-case basis according to
established policies; determinations may include denial of access privileges.
In all instances, measures will be taken to protect the system; however,
due-process rights of everyone involved will be observed in all cases.
Users are reminded that some uses of the network are governed by the University
Honor Code, local, State, or Federal laws.
Regarding Spam/Jokes/Chain Letters:[top]
Please note that anything that is inappropriate to say face-to-face in
class is generally inappropriate to distribute on the web course. Also
the mailing lists should not be used for anything but communicating within
the class environment. Inappropriate behavior of this kind will result
in severe consequences as outlined in the FSU Student Handbook (email
abuse punishment can range from revoking your computer access to expulsion
in severe cases). Refer to: http://www.fsu.edu/Books/Student-Handbook/codes/honor.html.
For more on Email Abuse, also see:
If you feel that some course-relevant information should be made available
to the entire class, email the instructor(s) with a request to post on
the announcement board. The instructor(s) will make the decision of appropriateness.
Miscellaneous Technology
1. http://us.fsu.edu or call 644-8502 for live technological support;
2. a. http://training.us.fsu.edu/course_handouts/html.pdf
(particularly the section on page 21 of the PDF file).
b. http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/reference/html_cheatsheet/index.html
(HTML reference sheet) in order to learn how to boldface, underline, italicize,
etc. in your threaded conversation posts.
B. Double spacing in Blackboard threaded conversation posts:
a. Open Microsoft Word (not sure if this will work entirely for Corel’s
WordPerfect, Mac/PC or Notepad on a PC). For those following these steps
in WP or on a Mac, we would like to get your feedback if things don’t
work for you. Please email your assigned instructor or mentor.
b. Write your post and save it as a *.doc file (where * = the file name
you give your post on the computer you’re working).
c. Highlight the written text from the beginning to the end. You do so
by left clicking your mouse at the beginning of the text,
holding the left mouse button, drag
the cursor (arrow or whatever shape it is for you) to the end of the text,
which should automatically move as you drag it.
d. Use Control + C keys together to
copy the highlighted content (alternatively you can use the right
mouse while the mouse arrow is over the highlighted area and click "Copy"
in the menu).
e. Go to the Blackboard writing panel, place your cursor at the beginning
of the document and use Control + V
(or the right mouse menu "Paste") to "paste"
the content.
f. Once pasted, use the following HTML (web page) codes to create paragraph
marks: Use the upper key to the comma (i.e. the pointed
bracket to the left, or less than sign) followed by the
letter P and the upper key to the period
(i.e. the pointed bracket to the right, or greater than sign). The pointed
brackets tell the computer that you are giving an HTML command and that
you are not just writing text. You may use a return before and after to
make the marks easily visible for you as you go.
g. Hit Preview after you create a copy of your text within
Blackboard (same as when you transferred it from Word or Notepad). This
way, if something happens, you can just paste it all
in again, without having to do the return marks or HTML codes again.
h. Submit
i. Words of Caution: Do not use your Browser’s back
button (the <- on the top) and do not resize your
window while writing. Any of these will wipe out your writing!
a. Write out your entire post in your word processing program.
b. Then copy it and paste it into Blackboard.
c. Start at the top of the post at the left side of the page, hit arrow
down and enter.
d. Do that for the entire document.
e. Hit preview.
f. It shows the document, not double spaced.
g. Hit the back button (the one within Blackboard not the Netscape back
h. Do the arrow down/enter procedure again
i. Hit preview and it should appear double spaced.
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