Writing Requirements: You must complete a 2000 word final paper as part of the requirements of the course, to be submitted on the last day of class. All papers must be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins and 12 point font, and conform with MLA style citation. In addition, the papers must have a detachable title page, with the name, ID number and word count. Within the paper, only the ID number must appear on the upper left hand section of each page of the paper. Papers are marked down one letter grade for each day they are turned in late; failure to follow instructions results in being dropped one letter grade down. This paper is worth 45% of your final grade. Plagiarism will result in disciplinary action being taken, and the student being given an F.
Oral Requirements: In keeping with a Humanities training, oral skills of discussion and argumentation are also integral to the course. You will be assigned groups and days when you will be on call; you may volunteer on days when you are not on call, for additional consideration. This is worth 45% of your final grade.
Final Paper Requirements: 1.) ten new scholarly sources; 2.) four sources from the Sayer book, covering any four of the following periods: the Renaissance, Reformation, Baroque, Enlightenment, Neoclassical, Rococo, and Romantic Periods; 3.) proper MLA citation; 4.) 2000 words of text, not counting citations; 5.) formatting specifications in the paragraph on writing requirements for the course (see p. 1).
Oral Recitation: Be prepared to discuss the assigned texts, factually and critically.