Course Evaluation sTRATEGIES (mETHODOLOGIES) | |
Student performance is evaluated as follows: | |
35% |
20% |
20% |
20% |
5% |
100% |
Grading Scale | |
90-100% |
80-89.99% |
70-79.99% |
65-69.99% |
Less than 65% |
Methods of Course Delivery: The subject matter in this course is presented in various forms which may include lectures, class discussion, demonstrations, collaborative activities, computer assignments, student projects and presentations, on-line research, guest speakers or field trips.
Quizzes: You will have two quizzes during this course. Quizzes will be on Thursday of week 1 and Thursday of week 2; the quiz content will cover reading assignments and class discussions. Quizzes that are missed due to absence may be made up at the discretion of the professor. Five percent per day late is deducted from the score. Additionally, there may be an occasion when the professor substitutes a quiz for an in class exercise. These may not be announced ahead of time.
Written Assignment: Students will be given the relevant facts, and will be assigned which side to argue. Relevant resources will be made available. Your 1000 word papers should be double spaced, 1 inch margins all around, 12 point Times Roman Font (not including title, table of contents, and reference pages), comply with ALL relevant APA or MLA guidelines, and indicate a word count on the title page. You are expected to use at least three scholarly sources for your references, and are expected to use in-text citations properly to reference your work. Your papers are due in electronic form via Blackboard during week 3 but with IDENTICAL hard printed copies handed to me in class. Turning in a different hard copy version will result in your maximum grade possible being six (6) points (out of fifteen (15)). I need your papers in electronic format to submit them to plagiarism software. Please utilize our Writing Studio as a resource or ask the professor for assistance if needed. See the grading rubric which will be utilized to grade your work.
It is the expectation of this Professor that your work is original, unless properly cited, and completely addresses all components of the assignment. In other words, your assignments submitted for credit in this course should not have been utilized before in another course (by you or anyone else), and at a minimum — 80% is your own work versus what you have borrowed and cited.
Debate: Students will be assigned teams, and given strict timelines in which to present their arguments. IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get full debate points, students must attend the other students’ oral arguments. If you do not attend all of your peers’ oral arguments, be attentive and respectful, you may lose (all or part, at the professor’s discretion) points for this deliverable.
Office Hours: The best way to reach me is via email ( cjpicart(at) ); you may call me or text me at 850 459 0066 if an emergency comes up; leave me your full name and phone number, if you call and have to leave a message. Typically, the best time to ask questions is during the class, or during the breaks. If you need to talk to me outside of these hours, please email or text me to request an appointment.
Late Assignment(s): An assignment is late if it is not turned in on the due date. E/mailed assignments that are date stamped with a date after the due date are considered late. Late assignments may be penalized five (5) points for each day late. If you are absent on the due date, assignments should be turned in early or e/mailed.
Exams: will be multiple choice questions. The mid-term may include any course material from weeks one through (including) week two coursework. The final exam will include week three and week four coursework. Details will be shared during the review session and is solely at the discretion of the instructor. Missed mid-term exams may be made up if missed because of severe emergencies. Missed final exams need prior Professor approval.
Virtual Guest Speaker: If it is possible to set up, a virtual guest speaker, either a professional academic philosopher or law professor, will be invited to speak with the class. If so, the content of that talk may be utilized for written make-up work (a 500 word threaded conversation post or essay) or in lieu of a quiz. Participation during the guest lecture will figure prominently in your participation grade.
Class Guidelines: